Zombie Book Club

(PART 1) Zombieween Game Show 2024 | Zombie Book Club Podcast Ep 66

Zombie Book Club Season 2 Episode 66

Get ready for the undead extravaganza of the year as Leah and Dan host ZombieWeen 2024, the ultimate game show where horror and hilarity collide! Six zombie aficionados, including reigning champion Laurie Calcaterra, battle through a series of zombie survival challenges. This episode promises laughter, chaos, and an unpredictable showdown to crown the new Zombieween Champion.

Sylvester Barzey Links:
Buy Sylvester’s Books!

Laurie Calcaterra Links:
Path of the Pale Rider

Nailah King Links:
Read The Decentres
Join the Black Horroritage Challenge
Support me on Ko-fi

Jack Callaghan Links:
Zombie Nerd and the Half-Term Harrowing:

Jayel Draco & Lynsey G
Oneshi Press
Zombie Adoption Program:

Jo Salazar:
Buy the

Speaker 1:

uh, that's two out of three, but, sylvester, what would you have chosen?

Speaker 2:

I feel like we didn't utilize our time correctly.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the second annual Zombieween Game Show. My name is Leah and I am your host for today's absolutely stupid game that you have signed up for.

Speaker 4:

And I'm Dan and I'm the co-host and my responsibilities include laughing and making jokes.

Speaker 1:

He has no idea what's happening next.

Speaker 4:

I have zero idea. I've looked over Leah's shoulder a few times and I gave my thumbs up. I said you're doing a great job.

Speaker 1:

So if you hate this, it's my fault. It's basically what is reality here. Because Dan works wild hours this time of year, I am not to blame. But let's talk about what on earth this is. It is a completely made up show by yours truly, inspired by RuPaul's Snatch Game, a little bit of Is it Cake If anybody's watched that show a little bit of Hollywood Squares and then a little bit of Chaos, and your mission as contestants is to survive, outsmart and outmaneuver your fellow contestants in a series of fun, very stupid zombie themed questions. There are almost no rules and the decision about who moves forward in every round is completely arbitrary. So the ultimate winner will receive a prestigious honor of being crowned the zombie wean champion for 2024. Uh, possibly it could be laurie calcaterra again keeping that crown, or maybe somebody else will snatch it. Either way, if you are the wiener, you will get a terrible surprise prize.

Speaker 1:

Oh it is terrible that you may regret receiving. There are three options. You'll have to choose from three doors to walk through.

Speaker 4:

They're all the worst, but there is one very specifically that is just really bad I mean, I guess it all depends on your taste. I think it is universally bad.

Speaker 1:

This is why everybody's getting a T-shirt, so that this prize is okay.

Speaker 4:

It is universally good.

Speaker 1:

So the question is and, laura, I'm going to ask you for your thoughts on this in just a moment the question is could 2023 reigning zombie wean queen, lori Calcaterra sweep the competition again and keep her gorgeous crown and goosh? Lori Calcaterra, sweep the competition again and keep her gorgeous crown and gush, or will she be knocked off her undead high horse as one of the new contestants wrangles the crown from her head? What do you think, lori?

Speaker 5:

I don't know. There's a whole lot of new people I haven't met before. So you know who's not here Brandon Starocci. So I know I'll be fine because that guy's not here. However, I'm really looking forward to interacting with all of these extra new people crazy people. I'm sure we're cut from the same cloth, so let's have some fun.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be great. Appreciate your humility. And again, the winner is arbitrary in a lot of ways. Okay. So with us today we have five fantastic contestants who are zombie writers, horror writersficionados and friends of the zombie book club podcast, and you have each been completely randomly divided into two teams. We have team brains, which includes niela believes in ghosts king, give it up for niela. And laurie fruit.

Speaker 1:

Ninja calcaterra yay, I was clapping in the last one and realized maybe I shouldn't clap, we'll put stuff in post now I'm confused and I don't know how to show my applause yeah, well, you can't see all the people cheering us on on mute because I asked them to be on mute. So thanks y'all. And then we have team biters with jack, the man who's put way too much thought into this callahan. Some applause for Jack Joe. Social worker by day, character killer by night, Salazar oh those poor characters. And Sylvester, middle name redacted Barzy, mysterious.

Speaker 4:

Do not undact that middle name. That's illegal.

Speaker 1:

And I could not host this Zombie Ween Game Show 2024 without taking a moment for all of us to pour one out for alissa of stories and spoilers podcast and elm juniper of the how we end zombie book series, because they both really wanted to be here, but alissa just made it through hurricane milton in florida. For anybody who's been affected by the hurricanes lately, you are in our thoughts and, uh, al hope you're doing okay. We know that I should say Alyssa is doing okay, but they are dealing with power issues and Elm Juniper has a hurricane coming out of his nose, aka a cold, so we thought best for him to rest instead of be a part of this three-hour marathon. And if you're not already, please go find and follow Elm Juniper and Alyssa of Stories and Spoilers Podcast. They're both really incredible people and creators and their links will be in the show notes Without further ado.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about what on earth you all are doing today. So here's how the first round on the first episode will work. We will have an introduction round where everyone gets a participation ribbon and no one gets booted, and you'll get to just talk about yourself and what you do with a silly zombie question. Then we'll have round one where contestants will compete in pairs against one of their teammates and also in trios for team biters actually answering some questions that apparently, according to Jack, does not know what they are. So it'll be a surprise for everybody and basically, if you get the most points for your round, you move on to the next one. The catch here is that Team Biters will choose the Brains winners and Team Brains will choose the Biters winners. And if you're confused, so am I. I'm confused. I made this up and I promise it will either make total sense soon or devolve into complete chaos. I think both are perfectly fine. Chaos, and in episode two we will talk about that later. What's going to happen after round one?

Speaker 1:

Because, we don't know. And now it is time to move into our icebreaker, aka brainbreaker, round. Yeah, and then we'll go over into the rules of the official game.

Speaker 4:

So like I said, we're going to break our brains.

Speaker 1:

This brainbreaker round is no holds barred. Say what you want to say, nobody's getting booted. This is just to introduce yourselves. What we'd like you to do, and the answer order we provided, is introduce yourself, what you want to promote and then answer this question. A major Hollywood studio wants to buy the intellectual property rights to your zombie books or other kinds of books that will make you Stephen King levels of rich. I looked that up. That's $500 million. The catch is it will be produced by M Night Shyamalan and you release all creative control over the final product. Would you do it? Why or why not?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I'm Sylvester Barzee. I am a indie author, been publishing since 2017. My zombie series is the Planet Dead series follows Catherine Briggs looking for her family and hitting a lot of potholes along the way. And actually I just watched the recent M Night Shyamalan movie and I thought it was fire so if he would like to take what is it? I do lake or something. It's on Max. It's got the dude that played styles and he was recently too.

Speaker 4:

I forget the name of it, though.

Speaker 1:

I was the person who said does everybody know who M night Shyamalan is? And then Dan looked at me like that was a dumb question, because apparently everybody's supposed to know. So if any of you don't know who m night, shamalan is.

Speaker 2:

Just know, you're not alone uh he's the king of the twist, but you would be fine with releasing all creative control. Uh, yeah, I I trust m night enough to allow him to do what he wants. As long as he keeps katherine black, I'm good, I'm gonna be fine. But what if he doesn't? Well then you know, meet him in the parking lot, I guess.

Speaker 4:

Perfect, that solves that.

Speaker 1:

All right, We've got Joe Salazar up next. What do you have to say to this, Joe? Introduce yourself, what you want to promote and let us know what you do.

Speaker 6:

Yes, hi, I'm Joe Salazar and I am here to promote today my brand new zombie novel, the weight. It is about 12 troubled teenage girls in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Uh, tagline is who will survive and who is just dead weight? Um, let's see if I, if we're talking 500 million dollars, take it and I'm gonna use that money and I'm gonna write a better book and I'm gonna produce. Use that money and I'm going to write a better book and I'm going to produce a better movie, and I'll just compete with him, right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that makes sense. That's a good way to look at it.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's kind of brilliant. I love it.

Speaker 7:

Jack. Hello, my name is Jack Callahan. I'm the author of Zombie Nerd and the Half-Term Harrowing and the sequel that's coming out soon, zombie nerd and the strange case of the robot exchange student. That was an exclusive title reveal, by the way. Um and I would have to say that, um, no, I wouldn't, even for stephen king money, because, um, I think that m night sham is a terrible director and I wouldn't like to give my own stuff over to him. If he had complete control over it, I'd at least need to say that he'd have to bring me on as a creative consultant, at the very least.

Speaker 4:

He definitely says no though.

Speaker 7:

He says no, no, I'd refuse it Absolutely. Nobody gets their control over my stuff, except me. Yeah, and maybe Stephen King, because he has directed in the past, even though all of the films that he's directed have sucked.

Speaker 1:

But you just get his money, jack, you don't get Stephen King, unfortunately.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, I don't. With that money, you could be friends with Stephen King, though.

Speaker 7:

Well, I could be friends with Stephen King, though. Well, I could be friends with Stephen King.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I knew this would be divisive. Naila, where do you land? Tell us who you are, what you're writing and where do you land.

Speaker 3:

I'm Naila King. I am the author of many unpublished things thus far, and I write about haunted women pushed to the brink. And since I don't have anything published yet, um, following me on instagram is great. Or supporting me on ko-fi um, I would not take the ducats.

Speaker 3:

Um, I just feel like if you read anything I write um and you watch anything that he does, the answer is there um I would not do it because, yeah, I feel like if you watch all of his films and who I center in my books, it's a mismatch. Who would you want to be your director, if you could pick somebody, or producer, if I could pick somebody, I think I probably would more likely pick like Ava DuVernay or like anybody else of a DuVernay or like anybody else, but somebody who definitely well, not anybody in anything that they do, so literally anybody else but like certainly like a black director, or maybe the woman who did Eve's Bayou, literally anybody.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, she was awesome.

Speaker 4:

I was going to say, if you open it up to anybody else, I'm like you know, uwe Boll hasn't made anything in a while. I feel like he might come out of the river and not many people know who Uwe Boll is, but I assure you you don't want. Uwe Boll touching your intellectual property?

Speaker 1:

I don't know who any of these people are.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we're just going to be okay with that.

Speaker 1:

Be happy with that. So so far, I want to point out that we are divided across the pond because Naila and Jack are in the UK and, yes, sylvester and Joe are not are in the US. So, lori, where do you land? Tell us who you are and where you land.

Speaker 5:

Hi everybody. I'm Lori Calcaterra. I'm the writer, creator of the Western apocalypse hit called Path of the Pale Rider, which is the zombie ethics comic book. You don't know what I'm talking about. You're missing out, man, we got zombie bears and I also host I don't know like three podcasts at this point the Tuesday Morning Brew, any one world showcase, and I just started a new one called Killer Karen, which is a intentional dumpster fire. So if you to laugh at, uh, intentional dumpster fires, that's what we do. We still promote indie, but it's crazy. Um, I, I don't know. So now, when I have to ask a question because again they're buying the intellectual property rights, does that mean that I'm no longer allowed to produce comic books with that same title?

Speaker 4:

I don't yeah, I think so. Either that or, like it's, people might just be so turned off to it that that title just doesn't just imagine you to let it all go.

Speaker 1:

Anything you've created so far is gone because we have game of thrones, right.

Speaker 5:

So we have george rr martin, who could still write books in that series which he freaking should. So if it's a george R Martin situation where HBO tanks the series and we're all dying for a different ending, yes, I would take the money because M Night Shyamalan probably messed it up, and then I can come in and save the day and then everybody would want to read the different ending. But if it's like you can't produce anything else this is kind of like first and last experience of Path of the Pale Red Eye I would be like nope. M Night Shyamalan to me is like hit or miss. Some things are really good and other things are really bad. If y'all seen Lady in the Water, ooh, it's bad.

Speaker 4:

I think this is an Avatar. The Last Airbender situation bad he made the visit.

Speaker 2:

He made what?

Speaker 5:

six cents the six cents was good. I thought the Village was decent.

Speaker 7:

I thought the Village was really good.

Speaker 5:

I thought it was decent. Yeah, I mean, it just depends on which M Night you're getting.

Speaker 1:

This is the question that was going to get us amped up to battle it out here, I'm loving the creative tension and I'm pondering whether or not we should tag M Night Shyamalan in this episode.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to go ahead and say no, I wouldn't take the money because I want people to get the story right the first time.

Speaker 7:

That's a good answer.

Speaker 1:

All of the answers are good answers. I'm not sure what I would do if I was in any of your shoes in that situation.

Speaker 5:

It's $550 million.

Speaker 7:

Me and Joe couldn't get paid. I could spend that in a year. You could share, though, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, share with all of us. Alright, it is time to get ready to rumble. I am no WWF host, but I will do my best. There are some basic game show rules that I'm asking everybody to abide by, but overall, like I said, it's arbitrary, ridiculous. So these are just a couple of rules. One be kind and inclusive. Make sure we all have lots of time to chat. Be silly as much as you want to be silly, but you can also be deadly or undeadly serious. Really, it's just about being yourself. It's about celebrating each other today and the fact that you're all creators doing really cool things, and please feel free to banter your hearts out when it's your turn to compete or judge.

Speaker 1:

For the first round of Team Brains, we have Lori Fruit Ninja Calcaterra coming in from the left corner of the ring. She is the reigning zombie wean queen and the author of Path of the Pale Rider. Who will drink your tears? The one, the only, the magnificent Lori Fruit Ninja who will drink your tears? The one, the only the magnificent laurie fruit ninja calcaterra. Welcome to the show, laurie love. The intro. In the right corner we have niela. Ghosts are real, king. Niela is a horror writer, panther turned begrudged outliner, collector of so far unpublished works in progress that you can actually get live updates about on their Instagram, which has been really fun to watch, and side-ire of characters who say, quote ghosts aren't real. Please welcome the one and only Naila King. Yeah, ghosts are real, naila. Are ghosts real or just in your books Ghosts?

Speaker 3:

are real. Ghosts are real, Nyla. Are ghosts real or just in your books? Ghosts are real.

Speaker 1:

Ghosts are real. I feel like there's a story there we'll have to talk about later. Okay, so how this is going to work is the two of you will get three questions that you have to answer, three questions. The best two out of three will move on to the next round and the other team Team Biters, joe, jack and Sylvester will be the folks who make the decision about who's on to the next round. But there will be a chance for you to return in the wildcard round in the second episode. So this is not the end. So let's go ahead and start with the first question. You've been given the power to dispense a liquid of your choice from one of your fingers to help you in the zombie apocalypse. It does not include water. What liquid do you choose and why? And I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to think about it. If it would work, naela, what is your answer?

Speaker 3:

okay, I feel like this is a very caribbean answer, but I'm gonna go hot sauce, because I know these zombies aren't seasoning their food. And and final answer Hot sauce.

Speaker 4:

I think that's a good answer because I mean, things are going to be bland in the apocalypse. It's true, things are bland already, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's a good thing. I'm not judging Naila, because that was my answer also, so you would probably get it. But, lori, what do you have to say?

Speaker 5:

First of all, I don't know why I didn't think of hot sauce, because I actually make hot sauce and it's part of my zombie story, so that way I didn't even go there. But I was thinking for me, I would say, gasoline out of the finger, because we know gasoline is going to run out in the apocalypse. Plus, if you got some matches, instant flambe zombie.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Also easy way to start a fire.

Speaker 5:

We didn't start the fire.

Speaker 2:

Can you control?

Speaker 5:

the flow Gasoline.

Speaker 4:

But what if you can't control the flow? You either have a fire hose of gasoline or a trickle. You could be standing next to your car with your finger in the fill cap for an hour trying to fill that thing up, or you're trying to start a campfire and you just completely spray the entire area and start a huge fire.

Speaker 1:

The real question here is what would you do if you two were a zombie survivor duo Like how would you work together with your hot sauce gasoline?

Speaker 5:

Oh Well, I would start the fire for her to cook the hot sauce.

Speaker 4:

You're just having hot sauce. Just cook that hot sauce.

Speaker 5:

You gotta cook it, man.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking like hot sauce to the eyes to disarm them. What's left of the eyes, I guess? And then, yeah, light them on fire.

Speaker 5:

Hey, blind them. We'll tie their shoelaces together and then light them on fire.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that is very smart. That way they don't run Running flaming zombies.

Speaker 5:

that's dangerous that's a bad day.

Speaker 1:

That's a bad day, yeah or a fun day if you're only watching it on a movie. Okay, team biters, joe jack sylvester. Uh, you have 60 seconds to ask any contestants questions and collectively decide. I don't know how you're gonna do it, but somebody's gonna have to just yell the name at the end of the 60 seconds and they get it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, feel free to make a decision amongst each other, to decide your one answer.

Speaker 1:

And this is not for the whole thing, this is just for this is a point, for this one question. You're ready, sylvester? You kick it off, go.

Speaker 2:

What kind of hot sauce would you compare it to?

Speaker 3:

That's what I was thinking in the real world, yeah the real world yeah, carolina, or like, yeah, like the chili pepper, a brand of hot sauce I guess I'm trying to think of like, maybe like a tapatio, like a jalapeno, oh no, not good enough we talk?

Speaker 7:

are we talking scotch bonnet? Are we talking? Are we talking umch Bonnet? Are we talking Carolina Reaper? Are we talking Trinidad Scorpion? I know my hot sauce.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking that it's probably like some sort of like habanero Scotch Bonnet, like hybrid, something like with lots of chili.

Speaker 1:

Y'all have seven seconds. Joe, I think you're going to be able to call it here.

Speaker 6:

I have no question. I mean I, I think, I just know already.

Speaker 1:

Who is it? Who do you all agree on? If you have no time left, what are the three of you gonna pick?

Speaker 6:

I'm such a practical person. I I feel like the practical answer is gasoline. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Okay, jack, who do you pick?

Speaker 7:

I'm sorry. As much as I love hot sauce, I'm going to have to go with gasoline petrol.

Speaker 1:

It's what you need. This is heartbreaking. We've all seen Mad Max. That's two out of three. But, Sylvester, what would you have chosen?

Speaker 2:

I feel like we didn't utilize our time correctly.

Speaker 3:

Well, you'll have another chance.

Speaker 2:

Since it's all going down anyway, I'm going to choose hot sauce. Yeah, I think I'm going to win. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

You've got 30 seconds. Ny'ila and Lori. And Lori will be up first this time to think about and then tell us your perfect zombie trap, lori.

Speaker 5:

All right, this is kind of elaborate. So here we go, we have a domicile like your house, and out of an upper window is a chicken coop. So we have bait, we have chickens that make noise and they rustle and so it draws the zombies who are just below the chicken coop. But underneath this chicken coop is a wall of treadmills, so they just walk forever. They never get to this wall, and now that I have fire fingers I show up at the end of the day and just burn them all. And then we repeat, repeat, but we don't kill the chickens, we don't barbecue or flambe the chickens. The chickens remain.

Speaker 4:

You'd have to move them out of the way, we'd have to move out of the way, so they didn't flambe.

Speaker 5:

I mean like if we didn't accidentally flambe the chickens, we would eat the chicken. But you know, kfc on top of zombie trap. It might not be a bad thing, could be a perk, naila what would be your perfect zombie trap.

Speaker 3:

I'm like going to lean on Caribbean. This again. I'm going to say like some sort of like room that's like filled with salt. I'm like maybe salt around that same room. If you know, you know. It would make him unable to leave right that and like, depending on like, if you're in the Afro-Caribbean tradition, like salt kills zombies.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, nice, I think I'm going salt Something to do with a room with salt, like a Himalayan salt room. I've been to like a spa like that. That would not be good for a zombie to survive and I don't think based on what you're saying no, also it's good.

Speaker 4:

It's good to just have salt, just in general. You have a large amount of salt, like a room full of salt. You know that's. That's useful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah due to the aforementioned flavorlessness, yeah, the food is gonna be good you got hot sauce.

Speaker 4:

Now you're doing pretty good in the flavor category unfortunately, you can't eat the zombies.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I wouldn't. All right, joe, you're gonna kick this one off? You got 60 seconds to either ask questions or collectively decide together who should get this round.

Speaker 6:

I need to know more about what happens to the zombies in the salt room. Can you tell us more?

Speaker 3:

Um, basically there's like, I mean there's really two options. It's like death or like reanimation. I like it. I like it In that tradition. I don't know about like non-Caribbean things.

Speaker 1:

No, it's whatever zombies you are dealing with. You get to choose your zombie. This, no, it's whatever zombies you are dealing with.

Speaker 6:

You get to choose your zombie. This is a Haitian zombie. And then, Lori, what happens to the treadmills when you set everything on fire? Are they protected in?

Speaker 5:

some way. They are protected. They're made out of aluminum Aluminum, so the treadmill stays, they're powered by the zombies. You don't have to have electricity, they're just self-sufficient. And then zombie remains, just turn into ash and next round, next day, let's do it again, jack.

Speaker 1:

Sylvester, you have any comments? Thoughts?

Speaker 7:

Yes, absolutely Nyla. The only thing that comes into my mind when I think about salt when it comes to zombies is the idea of the salt upon the threshold, which is a sort of old magic thing, where you'd put salt in front of your door and that means that anything that's outside can't cross that threshold because there's salt there. Is that the same as the Haitian traditions?

Speaker 3:

I won't speak for Haiti because I'm not personally Haitian, but in the Caribbean like to ward off.

Speaker 7:

That's what I meant. Sorry, Caribbean, not Haitian.

Speaker 3:

Like you would use salt to ward off anything. And then I'm like alluding to like a particular novel. Salt is like a big turning point which leads me to believe that it might be a bigger thing in the tradition, but also just like, yeah, it's just like a big turning point, um, which leads me to believe that it might be a bigger thing in the tradition, but also just like, yeah, it's just like a folk kind of remedy using salt.

Speaker 7:

But I'm going old school, um yeah, it is the same here and that's exactly what I meant, so thank you it works for sam and dean, so it works for me yeah, so uh, what?

Speaker 4:

what have you collectively decided is the winner of this round?

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to go with the treadmill, because that's what I was thinking Use it to power my house.

Speaker 7:

But I like the treadmill, but I'm going to have to go with the old magical side of it. So I'm going to go with the salt. I'm going to go with Nyla.

Speaker 6:

You know I can picture going to go with the salt. I'm going to go with Nyla. You know I can picture what would happen with the treadmill. I'm dying to see what would happen with the salt. I have to know, and so I'm choosing salt.

Speaker 4:

I love that I actually use salt at my threshold, you know also the salt is like a one stop solution, whereas the treadmill requires the gasoline finger. Laurie. Without the gasoline finger, the treadmill is useless.

Speaker 5:

That's the fun part. You get to like, participate and get rid of them. You know what I mean. Like no.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Maybe I'm the only weirdo. That's like ha ha, fire fingers.

Speaker 1:

No, you're not the only weirdo Okay okay, it was like this is the only thing I look forward to today. Okay, this is the, the pièce de résistance. Uh, for you two, your book's universe is now a real place to visit, and it has its own yelp page for reviews. What does a one star review say about your book? And you got 30 seconds about your book's universe to visit.

Speaker 4:

We're not asking you to read your one star reviews to us no it's the universe to path of the pale writer. That what their one star review would be yeah, like they went to the world and they were like one star this world what would they say? About the world you're creating.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's created uh, naela, tell us about, uh, how a one-star reviewer would feel about your book's universe I think there'd be two principal complaints one that there would be too many ghosts, and two that the people aren't very nice to each other. I think that's probably what I'd expect oh no.

Speaker 1:

What kind of ghosts would they be encountering?

Speaker 3:

um, probably like wraiths, um too many wraiths one star are just like showing, like any harbinger of doom, um, but then also maybe like loved ones, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Loved one ghosts I went on vacation gothic nightmare and my grandma was there.

Speaker 3:

One star yeah like I can, I can see that, or like that one x you got along with. You know, the one that didn't need to go is there.

Speaker 4:

That's the vibe of that oh wait, what happened to your ex that now they're a ghost?

Speaker 3:

now they're a ghost but they're like the one you've hated the least. It's more that vibe okay that's kind of so.

Speaker 1:

It's sort of what's that movie, the actual movie ghost, like? Is there a love scene with clay pots?

Speaker 4:

yeah, clay pots uh, no, but probably someone has otome brown energy for sure, love okay, I feel like that'd path of the pale rider, where undead have dementia and won't stop asking for hot sauce.

Speaker 5:

Um, absolutely horrible. Nothing good to eat stinks um way too many bugs that you can't get rid of, and involuntary electroshock therapy makes this place unbearable. One out of five stars that sounds awful.

Speaker 1:

Actually, the electroshock is new I didn't know about that part of the universe, laurie, yeah, I'm not. I'm not at that part. No, is that coming in a future issue?

Speaker 5:

um, I thought you were already there. That was an issue four, that's my memory again.

Speaker 4:

I have read them all and there was the riot and they shocked all the people oh, right, yeah, yes, okay, okay I was, I was actually I was taking the literal version of that and I'm like electric out there.

Speaker 5:

But yeah, I was more like can't go anywhere without getting shocked. It's like show up for a thing shocked, go out for dinner shocked. You want to, you want to protest your zombie rights.

Speaker 1:

Shocked. Yeah, I've had that experience. When I will just briefly tell this story there, you all know that I'm a country kid and the horses had electric fencing around them and I was alone I think I was like 14 years old I don't know where my parents were and there was a big storm and the storm tore all of the fencing down. The horses were like all over the place, not where they should be. Long story short, I couldn't find the part that turns off the electric fence, so I had to reattach the fence and get the horses in while being shocked. It's not a great time for me repeatedly electric. Yeah, it could explain why I don't remember anything, including who m night shamalan is or the details of things I read, knowledge of M Night Shyamalan is what goes first.

Speaker 1:

So that's it. Okay, it is time to make a decision. Team Biters, you have 60 seconds to ask questions. Come to a conclusion and we're going to have Jack. You kick it off or not?

Speaker 7:

Oh, jack, can you hear, I'm waiting.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, can you hear, I'm waiting, oh no, I'm waiting for it to count down.

Speaker 7:

Oh no, you can hear Layla would I survive in your world?

Speaker 3:

I think it would depend on how much you believe in and or like ghosts, I guess.

Speaker 7:

Well, I love ghosts. Laurie, I'm a cis gay British man. Would I survive in your world?

Speaker 5:

you could. The probability of you surviving, though, is low oh thank you very much you could.

Speaker 7:

I'm pretty good at fighting too, so maybe.

Speaker 4:

I don't know sorry, I'm just yeah, my story is different.

Speaker 5:

The zombies don't try to eat you, but there's so much more chaos. No, they don't try to eat you.

Speaker 7:

I'm going to go with Layla.

Speaker 1:

Naila, you mean Jack?

Speaker 7:

No, layla, layla, I'm going to go with Path of the Pale Rider. Oh Lori.

Speaker 1:

I think we have a couple name like a power.

Speaker 2:

Combine them together.

Speaker 7:

I'm terribly sorry, lori, I'm terribly sorry.

Speaker 3:

I love our combo name. It's good God, I suck name.

Speaker 5:

We're like bradgelina um, joe.

Speaker 4:

Where do you land on on this?

Speaker 6:

this is so tough because I feel like I would most want to visit the the ghost world, and so, if I'm thinking about a one-star review, lori sounds like the one that I would not want to go to, which is is I'm going to pick Laurie's world. I don't want to go there either. It's a one star. Nobody does. It sounds terrifying.

Speaker 7:

At least you're paying attention, sylvester.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'm going to go with Ghost World. I don't really want to see dead loved ones. I don't know if they're being tortured or if they want to talk to me. I don't miss a ghost I don't want to see, but I'm gonna go with that. That's gonna be my one star review well, actually, sylvester, I'm.

Speaker 1:

I'm confuzzled here, um confused, puzzled, because in naela's world you get ghost loved ones and in laurie's world you get undead loved ones. So which, which do you choose?

Speaker 2:

But I'm under the impression that Lori's world they're not attacking you, they're like intelligent and they're trying to start their own community. So I can have zombie grandma and she's not going to eat me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but she's dementia zombie grandma.

Speaker 2:

She had dementia before it happened.

Speaker 5:

Now it's way worse than she stinks and has maggots. And now there's maggots. Now it's way worse than she stinks and has maggots.

Speaker 2:

And now there's maggots.

Speaker 5:

Now there's maggots, Just to clarify.

Speaker 1:

But amen you have to choose one fast food restaurant to survive inside of for the duration of the zombie apocalypse. What is it, and why? You've got 30 seconds to think about this.

Speaker 5:

I suggest that I spend the apocalypse in a chucky cheese interesting and there's a few reasons to this one.

Speaker 5:

Um, we got pizza and we got salad bar covers all the things right. However, there's the uh, all the food groups right, but there's also like the things to climb in. They have the playscapes so you can like hide up in the playscapes and then you can also turn on the animatronics for the distraction and hopefully, I think in my mind they have like secret tunnels and rooms in the back. They have like party rooms and the kitchen and things, so I think there's places where I can hide in the back while the zombies are attracted to, like the animatronic singing mouse. That is my answer.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you also have live performance every night from the animatronics.

Speaker 5:

So that's what I'm saying the animatronics would be. There Could be definitely lots of benefits. Keep me entertained. I probably would know all the words after the first week.

Speaker 4:

Might drive you crazy. What it might drive you crazy, it might drive you crazy though?

Speaker 5:

yeah, that too, you know, you're singing in your sleep. Hey, that could be our call and answer. Response like last time.

Speaker 3:

Um, I think this is like very canadian, very niche. I'm gonna say an a and w because they're usually close to the highway and I feel like, unless you know of an A&W, you're going to pass right by it. So I think I would do an A&W slash. Who doesn't love an Apple turnover?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm also a huge fan of root beer. Like, what surprised me most when I first went to an A&W was that I ordered something and then they asked me what I wanted to drink, as if the answer wasn't root beer, and turns out there were other options, like I could get a Pepsi, and I'm like why I'm at the A&W what else would I get? But apparently there's other choices.

Speaker 1:

The teen burger is my favorite meal at the A&W, so I'm loving this. Naila, what's your favorite meal at A&W? Teen Burger. All the way when I go back to Canada, that's like I'm like, take me from the airport to A&W and get me a Teen Burger Stat. I don't want anything else, but yeah, I feel like it's like, unless you're Canadian, unless you know, you're just driving right past it, so you'd be pretty safe. That's true. Keeping it subtle, okay, it is time for team biters to think about who should, uh, win this round. Sylvester, you're up first for any questions, or? Or? Banter, you'd like to bant?

Speaker 2:

so I was just. Since it's fast food, I was just gonna base it off of where I would like to live, and I do love root beer flips. Root beer is one of my go-to things, so I'd probably go to A&M.

Speaker 4:

All right, best friends forever there we go.

Speaker 6:

For me, it's that conflict between stealth and fun, like, how do you want to spend the zombie apocalypse like under the radar, or do you want to spend the zombie apocalypse under the radar, or do you want to be entertained? And it is a tough choice for me. I'm not sure where to go yet. What do you think, jack?

Speaker 7:

I agree, we don't have Chuck E Cheese in the UK, but what we do have is something called the Wacky Warehouse. That is very similar. It has slides and swings and ball pits and everything like that, so you can learn certain skills that you need to use in the zombie apocalypse. So I'd definitely go there to learn the skills that I'd need.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's like a training room, but nobody's worried about Five Nights at Freddy's or anything.

Speaker 5:

I'm trying to murder you. That's a different genre. We're not doing it.

Speaker 4:

What if this is the world where you have zombie animatronics?

Speaker 7:

You know, the only thing is Five Nights at Freddy's sucks and we don't.

Speaker 5:

Laurie, what were you going to say? No, I was going to say I left out. The best part was you could put the suit on to protect yourself from the zombie. You could put on the mouse seat with the big head, then you'd have a harder time biting you.

Speaker 1:

That's always a win. Okay, so we know, sylvester, you're a team and W Sounds like you. Me, naila and Dan all need to go and have a good time sometime. Joe and Jack, where do you land?

Speaker 7:

Well, no, as I say, I'm going to go with the idea of Chuck E Cheese getting things with the swings and the slides and the ball pits. So we're split. Have you ever heard where Chuck E Cheese said poggers, it was the funniest thing in the world.

Speaker 1:

No, we're going to have to Google that later. Do you know what?

Speaker 4:

poggers, is I'm afraid to ask I feel like I did know a long time ago, but I had to Google it and then I immediately forgot.

Speaker 7:

It just means when you're good at playing games. And they did this thing where they had a puppet of Chuck E Cheese and he just goes Poggers and it was the funniest shit in the world, man, I think that would haunt my dreams.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a fan. Okay, so we're split down the middle. Joe, you're the decider.

Speaker 4:

I love being the person who chooses.

Speaker 6:

No, I don't I hate it, but I'm just going to go with my gut here. I'm a really uptight person and I hate fun and so I want to be here for a long time.

Speaker 2:

I want to be here for a long time.

Speaker 6:

I want to be here for a long time not a good time and I feel like the best bet for a long time is the A&W, and that's where I'm headed, nice.

Speaker 1:

Wow, we are neck and neck two for Naila and two for Lori right now, so it's coming right down to the wire of the final question and I don't know what it is.

Speaker 4:

I love that it came down this way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in fact, I'm actually going to take a sneak peek so I can make a decision between these two. All right, we had a healthy debate ourselves about which question to torture you both with. As your final question and this is it your main character is running for office, but now they're in the zombie apocalypse, whether they were or they weren't, now they are. What platform are they running on? And for inspiration, if you have not heard of vermin love supreme, he is running on free ponies and zombies as a source of free energy by putting them on uh like running like hamster wheels. So real technology, that's. That's, you can do anything you want. What is the platform your main character would run on amidst a crisis like the zombie apocalypse? You got 30 seconds to think about it, naila, you're up.

Speaker 3:

This one's tough because I feel like I don't have any characters with that much will to survive, let alone being in a sub like running for office. Um, I think they would probably run on something like ridiculous and toxic, like I don't know, like bars open till late or something, something that has no value. Um, because, again, I don't know that any character I write is like trying to survive. Um, so I think they would like run a platform that's like around, like being out in the streets having fun. Tons of bacchanal, maybe like Carnival 365.

Speaker 4:

Maybe that's what they would do. So yeah, have fun in the apocalypse. We're all going to die anyway. Might as well have fun, kind of like it. I mean, I feel like there's a party in the apocalypse that would run on that platform just like we're dead anyway. Do you want to? Do you want to pretend you're dead, or just I don't know?

Speaker 3:

I don't know what's going on with that there's like a carnival called I think it's Junkanoo, and like they wear, they're on stilts and they have like cool, like like undead looking masks, and so that's what I'm thinking of. Like, yeah, party on stilts.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, zombies can't get you if you're like undead, looking mass, and so that's what I'm thinking of Like yeah, party, it would just be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the zombies can't get you if you're on stilts, unless they knock you over, yeah, but you could maybe like knock you over, but I think it would be some sort of party based, back and now based platform that serves no one.

Speaker 1:

I love it If the world's going to end. Have going to end, have fun, lori.

Speaker 5:

Well, again, in my world, the zombies are a little bit different. So Jude St Clair would platform on a safe community for both living and undead. Whatever that turns out to be, whatever people decide, whatever they're comfortable with is fine, but they can be together, they can be separate, as long as they are all equal. The other thing that he would say is we're going to start building domes to keep food safe from the undead bugs. We want to make sure that people have access to food and water so those are important and a bottle of hot sauce in everybody's refrigerator so they can continue to taste their food. The undead have dulled senses, so a bottle of hot sauce is how they can remember that they were once living. So we want equality for living and undead, we want food and water, and we want a bottle of hot sauce for everybody.

Speaker 4:

Jude St Claire wants your family to live in a dome.

Speaker 5:

Not only survive the apocalypse, but thrive.

Speaker 1:

Survive, don't survive, thrive. I love it and I'm coming to the conclusion that Dan might be one of your first undead. Where death is broken, Laurie, because we go to the same diner for breakfast every Saturday and Dan literally picks up the. What kind of hot sauce is it? Again, it's like classic. Oh, just just tabasco he picks up the tabasco bottle that's on the table and huffs it like, just like, breathes it in every weekend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just one, just one.

Speaker 4:

I'm awake now, like it just hits my senses like yeah, it's weird, it only works the first time and I only do it once a week. But I open it up and then I just take a big whiff of it and like it, it like goes right back into the hinge of my jaw and like makes this sharp feeling and I'm like yeah, yeah, I like that you're undead how you feel.

Speaker 5:

Again, it's like drugs. Maybe you are, maybe you are dead everyone has their addictions

Speaker 3:

okay, this is my weird your answers were were so reasoned and useful.

Speaker 5:

There's politics in my world.

Speaker 2:

Her answers are real political.

Speaker 5:

I was just like, oh, you know what they actually play politics in Death of a Pale Rider.

Speaker 1:

Zombies have human rights. Holding my sign right now, Some of them do.

Speaker 5:

Also, there's zombie terrorists. That's wild, it's a hot mess. Do we want a carn? Hot mess. So do we want a carnival, or do we?

Speaker 1:

want, do we want, uh, everybody to have equal rights I don't know, let's talk about it, just go whoever wants to go, ask questions or share their thoughts it's hard, like do you want to party or do you want to be safe?

Speaker 6:

it's very hard I mean, you guys already heard my answer this is I hate fun horror.

Speaker 7:

I mean, you guys already heard my answer.

Speaker 6:

This is I hate fun. It's clear for me.

Speaker 7:

Laurie, how many of your zombies are sentient?

Speaker 5:

All of them.

Speaker 7:

All of them? Ooh interesting. Yes, same as mine. So well, you've got me.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think that means we have a winner. But before we make it official, Sylvester.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to Carnival. It's the end of the world.

Speaker 5:

I kind of want to as well. Let's be honest.

Speaker 1:

Everybody wants to go to Carnival, but do we get to or not?

Speaker 3:

Platform was solid and again, I think I just don't write people who like want to like be alive as such.

Speaker 4:

So over here as the populist, uh, yeah, and. And jude st claire is running on on equal rights like actual platforms.

Speaker 1:

Naela's like yeah people like fun great yeah, let's all have fun well, this is the heartbreaking moment where I have to say uh well, it's like. This is how I feel in every movie, you know, um, where I'm like yay, laurie, oh no, naela. I don't want you to be undead, naela, but you've got to be for a little while. But it's not too bad, because you get to harshly judge Joe, jack and Sylvester in just a moment. But congratulations, lori, you are officially in the semifinals, keeping that crown possibly.

Speaker 1:

Let's see what happens when you have to slay some more competition.

Speaker 4:

I took it off her right now because I'm competing but we'll see if I get to put it back on Perfect. That's very modest of you to not wear your crown during the competition.

Speaker 5:

I have no expectations, I'm just coming in to have fun. Whoever wins wins. I'll happily pass along that crown.

Speaker 1:

You are way too gracious yeah.

Speaker 2:

They got to pry it from my cold dead hands.

Speaker 1:

Good to know if you're in Silverstone.

Speaker 5:

You got to earn good to know. If you're in Silverstone, you gotta earn it first. Yeah, the only person I'm snarky like that too is the one guy that's not here, and it's Brandon.

Speaker 1:

So if he was here I'd be like take it from my cold dead hands as well yeah, for those who know, there's going to be a one to one showdown between Laurie and Brandon Starocki, because Brandon was supposed to join last year's zombie ween game show and this year's zombie ween Show and, brandon, I'm calling you out, so you and Lori are going to have, and there's a beef there. We're going to have a real battle, but that's for the future.

Speaker 4:

There's going to be some beef, sounds like he's ducking you.

Speaker 2:

He's trying to avoid it.

Speaker 5:

Let's be honest, he's afraid of me. Yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

He's afraid Nayela should he be afraid.

Speaker 3:

I feel like you have very good, reasonable answers. I was just like I'm here for money. Personally, I would never want to survive a zombie apocalypse and my answers reflect that.

Speaker 5:

I'm out here trying to live, but here's the thing In my zombie apocalypse there is no out, there is no. You can't shoot someone in the brain and you get death. There's no salt exit. There's nothing. You're either alive or you're undead, and there is no death.

Speaker 4:

So it makes it really difficult With a bullet hole in your head.

Speaker 5:

Nope, you're still walking around, you just can't speak words anymore. You might say everything is cranberry.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, that's cranberry.

Speaker 5:

How you feeling?

Speaker 7:

Cranberry, cranberry, cranberry I do like cranberries so it is.

Speaker 1:

I like cranberries too. They are delicious when with sugar, let's be real. As juice as or or cranberry sauce, big fan, yes or a crumble. Okay, we're going. Oh, cranberry cheesecake truly fun tangent.

Speaker 4:

I like it yeah all of our questions will now contain cranberries raspberry.

Speaker 1:

Oh, just wait what's coming up for you, biters, because it is your turn for round one. Are you ready? Are you scared? We have three contestants for this team, so we're going to do five questions best out of five wins. There could need to be a tiebreaker. Who knows how this will go? Yeah, so it is your turn team brains, lori and Naila to ask questions and judge. Is everybody ready to go Ready? Yes, love it. In the left corner from Chicago, illinois, is the author of the Dead Weight. She's a social worker who's just a little too comfortable killing off her characters in increasingly disturbing ways. Please welcome Joe Salazar.

Speaker 1:

Insert fun sounds, sound effects In the middle corner. If there is one from the infected depths of deep space, hell, where no one can hear you cry for your mama Standing in it almost six feet and weighing in at he's working on it, stop judging him. The author of the planet dead series another book is coming, maybe the horror movie lover sylvester. Middle name redacted barzy and, last but not least, blazing in from the right corner wearing the Union flag trunks. It's the author of Zombie Nerd and the Half-Term Harrowing. He floats like a butterfly and stings like a urinary tract infection. Ouch, jack, the man who's put way too much thought into this. Callahan, ooh, british sounds. British sounds, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Can I have a cup of tea? Sorry, oh, of course.

Speaker 1:

My homeland also has the queen, so I feel like I get to do that. Okay, that's your first question. Your only available shelter is a bouncy castle. How do you make it a livable zombie bunker? You've got 30 seconds to think about it. Jo, I'm first. You're first Coming out of that left corner.

Speaker 6:

Coming out of the left corner. Okay, I have an answer. What I'm going to do is I'm going to take that bouncy castle, I'm going to take it to the nearest body of water, I'm going to float it out into the body of water and then I'm going to anchor it right in the middle and create a moat for myself and live in the bouncy castle happily ever after that sounds very familiar to some people in your book in the dead wave.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say this is a very joe salazar answer I had some inspiration we love it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, uh, sylvester I'm guessing dying is not a choice, is it?

Speaker 1:

no, I mean, it can be, you could just bounce around until you get eaten.

Speaker 2:

That was a really good idea. I could not think of what to do with it. I was thinking maybe I could have a giant fan make it blow away like the accident thing. Just tie it to a tree.

Speaker 4:

Keep myself up in the air, do that you know that's interesting because Joe's floating away and you're going to float away in the sky, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of adorable. I'd like to see that as a cartoon. A little zombies above or below you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a really messed up version.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there you go Jack.

Speaker 7:

With that. I'd set up the bouncy castle and then stand right at the back of it, so that then all of the zombies have to come through the front and what you'd need to have is like a set of like knuckle dusters or something, or even like a machete if you want to lop heads off. So they'd be coming at you all from the front and they'd go like boing, boing, boing, and you'd go bang, one, two bang, and you could do it on each bounce Bang, bo, two, bang. And you can do it on each bounce bang, boing, boing, boing. And here comes one to you, boom, get his head off and you can make it fun as well.

Speaker 7:

Wow, these are all very different you could even you could even crack out a chainsaw, go ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Here he comes, one, two, three boing, boom, chop him in.

Speaker 4:

You've turned it into a gladiatorial arena that's going to be like the bluest bounce house.

Speaker 1:

This should be at the carnival. I'm just saying this could be one of the slightly different thing, but like it's in the kid corner, maybe I don't know.

Speaker 7:

Maybe you'd even win a little prize at the end. When you come off and he says all right, you can take your shoes back. Now, here's a big teddy bear for you or something, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, it is. I have concerns. Go ahead, laurie, you got a minute.

Speaker 5:

In a bouncy castle. I'm pretty sure it would be one swipe and that bouncy castle is going to pop.

Speaker 7:

You've got to know how to hold it.

Speaker 5:

Machete too. Okay, I've used machetes that Bounce and Cancel would die.

Speaker 7:

I've used machetes as well, and you can hold them pretty hard.

Speaker 6:

It is a Bounce and Cancel.

Speaker 7:

You're right, as long as you don't pop it. If you pop it, then I suppose you're screwed.

Speaker 5:

But you can get a few taken out before you pop it, that's true now, sylvester, I like your idea too, in fact, if you would like put helium in that sucker yeah, then we got a higher go off when I saw the secret list of questions that Jack never got, I saw this one.

Speaker 5:

I thought about it and I was like what, what would I do? I would do what Joe would do. I would put it out in a body of water and float around. I don't know if I would anchor, or maybe you'd have to anchor, because wouldn't the zombies climb up the anchor?

Speaker 7:

I'm not sure, that's why you bounce though. So when you bounce, when you come up on the upswing, you go boom and get them in the neck.

Speaker 5:

Well, it depends on where the anchor is attached, and do they bite it when they come up? I don't know. But I'm going to go with Joe, just because that's what I would do as well. I'd float my bouncy castle off to sea.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, naila. Where are you at with this, do you have?

Speaker 3:

any questions for the crew? Um, I think I'm gonna go with sylvester, just because I feel like you're less likely to come across like any, like bird creatures as often, as you would come across like sea creatures, like you're not going to see as many birds, whereas I think, like, depending on it, is this a lake, is this like what's the body of water? Because I feel like it's the ocean. You're going come across like, even like is a barnacle gonna take out that bouncy castle?

Speaker 3:

like okay that's the concern I have with that, whereas like a bird's gonna, at the very least, probably given the size, like more likely try to avoid it. That's my logic. I don't know. As we know from my previous answers, I have almost none of it, but that's my logic well, I think it's good logic, because zombies can't fly thank you for putting more thought into this than I yeah

Speaker 7:

but you could jump yeah, but I mean at some point especially, especially if you're on a bouncy castle, you get more bullying I feel like, though, if you're up in the air, you also have no food.

Speaker 1:

Well, either way, you have no food.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I can make trips though.

Speaker 5:

Climb up and down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll have a nice little rope ladder. I couldn't do the lake, because I'd be terrified if it pops. Then I can't swim.

Speaker 7:

So it's just over, just a quick descent no, no, no, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. Who says that it's over water? Where is this coming?

Speaker 4:

It could just be on land. It could be over water. It could be over land, it could be on top of a tall building.

Speaker 7:

Why have we decided that the bouncy castle is over water?

Speaker 1:

Jack, are you heartbroken? I was talking about joseph. Oh because, oh because you drown in the water got it okay, yeah, so there's a problem here, which is that we got a straight tie, yeah, between joe and sylvester and you know what that means, dan I don't actually it means you have to break it oh, I'm the tiebreaker, you are oh oh, I thought it was gonna be thunderdome yeah, do you want a thunderdome?

Speaker 4:

yeah, do you want a thunderdome instead?

Speaker 2:

we want thunderdome.

Speaker 4:

Um, here's, here's my, here's my feelings on whether or not to fly away on a bouncy house or float away. Um, I've seen the videos of bouncy houses flying up into the air during a windstorm, and yeah you know, usually they are um, followed by a follow-up article that says whether or not the child inside survived, and you don't really hear that. So much about people putting an inflatable raft in the water.

Speaker 6:

So I gotta go with joe joe, it is you know, that's totally understandable when I heard joe's idea, I was like that that's totally understandable.

Speaker 2:

When I heard Joe's idea, I was like that, that's way better than what I was that's too kind.

Speaker 5:

That's what I did with the hot sauce. I was like no it's a good idea.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, collectively we'd be pretty good practical hot sauce was just more fun. Again, I'm going for fun, I like the hot sauce was just more fun. Again, I'm going for fun, I like the hot sauce I did okay, joe jack sylvester, you've just received fan mail from a zombie.

Speaker 1:

What do they compliment about your book?

Speaker 7:

you got 30 seconds to think about it, jack and I am the only person that I know about at the moment that presents zombies in a way that is sympathetic, and so I'd like to think that anybody who was a zombie, who read my book and decided to send me a note, would say thank you, jack, thank you ever so much for presenting us in the way that we really are, instead of ravening monsters like all of these people that I'm sat here with today don't forget laurie, except for laurie but we've not read uh path of the pale rider.

Speaker 7:

So terribly sorry good to know.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so you were a zombie, you should fix that Sylvester.

Speaker 2:

I feel like my universe has activities for zombies. We have a zombie circus. You could become a zombie cage fighter for Marie Laveau. You could stay at the zombie hotel before it blows up. So I feel like it'd be good. I feel like they'd be entertained, they'd feel like they're welcome before katherine kills them.

Speaker 1:

So a good time until you die, yeah, which is really all you can ask for an undead life and then a normal life.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah getting philosophical here, joe I think my fan mail from a zombie would be a thank you for uh, for making them better than they were before. My zombies are better, faster, stronger, uh than they were in real life, so I I think I would be getting a thank you for the glow up.

Speaker 2:

I like how we all think it's going to be positive and not like I'm going to find you.

Speaker 1:

Oh goodness, what would what? Oh, this is a bonus round. What would? What would a zombie's complaint be for each of you?

Speaker 2:

Probably the murders, murderers I mean, yeah, if they think that, if they feel like they're like citizens and human beings, then, yes, I did not treat those zombies properly. I did not and I apologize to you. Zombie person jack.

Speaker 1:

What would your zombies complain about?

Speaker 7:

uh, um, they. They probably say that they hate how much they're repressed in the world that I present.

Speaker 6:

And Jo, I think the zombies in my world would complain about the sweltering heat. It's right in the middle of the summer and zombies don't do so well in that hot weather.

Speaker 1:

I just finished your book and the way that you described their smell is not a good time. Let me tell you. Okay, You've got 60 seconds. Naila and Lori Naila, you kick it off to make a decision.

Speaker 3:

I'm a fun loving person. I think maybe I might go Jack. Actually I think that could be a game changer.

Speaker 1:

Love that answer Lori.

Speaker 5:

I'm also going to go Jack, because my zombies are similar where they would write in and it would be like thank you for giving us cranberries.

Speaker 7:

I love cranberries, you know but same thing.

Speaker 5:

Like they have feelings, they just want to live their undead life. They don't know why they're so chaotic. So if they write in and they say something nice and say thank you for representing themselves, I'm with you jack, you're the winner, baby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, round two. Uh, and quick side note, there'd be a really great like collab. I can see it because there are a lot of similarities. And if there's, if it's like, uh, daryl dixon, where somehow they can magically cross the ocean there would be, something really great there. Okay, yeah, maybe with the we'll have to.

Speaker 5:

We'll have to exchange some PDFs, jack, I'd be interested in reading your story.

Speaker 1:

A mysterious helicopter randomly drops in your camp 1000 fidget spinners and 1000 rubber chickens. How do you use them to survive in the apocalypse? You've got 30 seconds to think about it.

Speaker 7:

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 5:

I'm so glad.

Speaker 7:

I didn't get this question. Yes, yeah, there's traps at 100,000 spinning pins and 1,000 rubber chickens. It's a math question oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Sylvester, it's your turn. Friend, my friend, how would you use them to survive?

Speaker 2:

I don't officially understand the rules, so I'm gonna ignore them and I'm gonna take the heli that's. That's the spirit you're gonna take the helicopter yes, they can keep their rubber chickens and take it, so I'll just take it. They can figure out how to survive. I.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I did say that the rules aren't really real. Jo, where do you land?

Speaker 6:

No, because that's what I said. We had the exact same thought. I wanted to take the helicopter too, but I can't. I'm going to tie the rubber chickens together and create a raft and, guys, I gotta go back to the water. I'm gonna create a rubber chicken raft because I think they can float, and then I'm gonna use the fidget spinners to hopefully I don't know take off a head or something. That's got to be my plan, but I wish I could just take a ride on sylvester's new helicopter. That would be my way we'll take the helicopter together.

Speaker 2:

It's easier with two people oh, friends, I love this.

Speaker 1:

Some besties happening right now. Jack, where do you land on this?

Speaker 7:

well, nobody in my my universe knows what a helicopter is. So even if one came and dropped a thousand fidget spinners and a thousand rubber chickens, they'd probably find themselves playing with them and have absolutely no idea what they are. But fidget spinners are still pretty fun and rubber chickens still go, which I think is great.

Speaker 1:

So I imagine they probably have a lot of fun with them for a while they play with them.

Speaker 7:

I mean, they're kids, right? Yeah, they yeah, or um, I've got no character who's over the age of 14 and, okay, most of those people love fidget spinners and rubber chickens, especially when you tie them all together. Have you seen videos of that? When you tie them all together and put them on the back, like the back of a, like an exhaust or something, so that when you tie them all together and put them on the back of an exhaust or something, so that when the car drives off, they all go. My characters would absolutely love that.

Speaker 1:

I gotta say I didn't expect any of these answers. If I'm honest, I wasn't smart enough to think of the helicopter one, so now it's thank god, not my decision who wins this round. Either one of you can kick this one off.

Speaker 5:

Helicopter With rubber chickens. It goes no, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 3:

Like that, like that, I was like I need more information about this helicopter please.

Speaker 4:

I think Sylvester was just going to steal the helicopter that dropped off the number of chickens.

Speaker 5:

Oh, you're stealing the helicopter. He's breaking the non-existent rules.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so it's about me. Yes, I'm going to take the helicopter.

Speaker 6:

This is clearly a setup.

Speaker 2:

Somebody did this on purpose.

Speaker 5:

I'll figure this out, Jack. Do these kids drive? Do they have bikes?

Speaker 7:

No, no, they're very young. They're usually well. Most of my characters are between 13 and 14. So I imagine that they think that a load of fidget spinners and a load of rubber chickens would be the greatest things ever.

Speaker 5:

Would they use them to survive somehow, or just like?

Speaker 3:

No, of course they wouldn't, they just have fun fun with them.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who to pick here.

Speaker 4:

I know I need to fix that right let's not forget, uh, joe's, joe's answer as well which was also hop on the helicopter at first yeah, if I can't hop on the helicopter.

Speaker 6:

I'm going to make a raft out of the chickens and then chuck fidget spinners at anything that comes up to me.

Speaker 5:

I mean chucking fidget spinners might be great, but Ninja stars. Rubber chickens when they take on? I don't know.

Speaker 7:

Nyla, you ask some questions.

Speaker 5:

dude, I'm stuck here.

Speaker 7:

I got nothing.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm going to lean towards helicopter. It's like a pretty good escape. Well, we weren't talking about helicopters. He said about helicopters.

Speaker 7:

There wasn't any helicopters until he said about them. We're talking about chickens.

Speaker 3:

It isn't in regulation, but again, I'm always going to choose the most fun, most chaotic scenario.

Speaker 2:

And I feel like out of regulation.

Speaker 3:

Helicopter theft sounds like that.

Speaker 2:

Let's do that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah that's what I'm going to do Sylvester, you got a point. If you can poke someone in the eye and just take the helicopter, do that. Alright, that's what I'm going to do. Sylvester, you got a point If you can poke someone in the eye and just take the helicopter, do that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, I pictured it just dropping, but yeah, whatever.

Speaker 5:

He knows how to use a rope ladder. He's going up yeah.

Speaker 7:

When did rope ladders come into our house?

Speaker 5:

That was his last question.

Speaker 7:

The helium bouncy house.

Speaker 4:

I'm not playing anymore. Use the bouncy house to get to the helicopter.

Speaker 7:

To jump on the bouncy house and get to the helicopter to drop the rope ladder. You guys suck.

Speaker 5:

Don't forget to fly your fingers.

Speaker 4:

I'm not playing anymore, oh Jack.

Speaker 1:

You're all tied, you are all tied, you are all tied.

Speaker 4:

Jack, what is your book called?

Speaker 7:

Zombie Nerd and the Half-Term Harrowing Available now.

Speaker 5:

I was like can you put that in the chat?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, sure Ask Dan and Leah to send it to you.

Speaker 5:

Like a PDF. You're not getting a.

Speaker 7:

PDF. You have to buy it, damn you.

Speaker 5:

I was going to send you a free PDF of my issue number one, but nuts to that.

Speaker 7:

I'm only joking. I'm only joking.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is the fourth question for Joe, Jack and Sylvester. What is the food you'd miss the most in a zombie apocalypse? Make us hungry, Joe.

Speaker 6:

I already know what's gonna happen when I give this answer, but I feel like I have to be true to myself, so I'm gonna answer there. There is a pizza shop in chicago and they make a deep dish, chicago style vegan pizza. That's to die for, and what I'm putting on it is maybe the most divisive thing ever. Um, okay, so vegan sausage, definitely, jalapenos and pineapple it has to. It has to. You guys can? Oh, no way, all right, leah, come to chicago.

Speaker 4:

Um, that that's my answer and I'm sticking to it you know this place exists and you're just telling us now this could be us, but we're podcasting that is a dream, and I am team pineapple, so if I was judging again, I would be probably sold.

Speaker 1:

Joe, I can I?

Speaker 4:

can take it or leave it. I I like it just fine, but it's not something that I crave. On pizza, I like all the boring stuff on pizza. I like pepperoni and I like peppers and I like onions.

Speaker 1:

Daniel, this is not your. Oh, I shouldn't have done that. That's his middle name. Now you all know. Redacted Dan, middle name redacted. Oh, not redacted. We got to ask Sylvester now to answer the question.

Speaker 5:

You'll have to mute like, censor that, like when you say it right now I'm doxxed let's see.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm really addicted to like seafood and pasta, so I probably would miss like asian shrimp pasta or crawfish alfredo and stuff. So, yeah, asian shrimp alfredo would probably be like the number one thing that I would miss.

Speaker 1:

Ah, I just realized I wouldn't be able to have that in here this is a sad world with no pizza or alfredo sauce, I mean I feel like in the zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 4:

The goal is to be able to one day get back to these things. So, like you, hold on to those, to those dreams.

Speaker 1:

You work on it. Yeah, jack.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I can come from kind of both sides, but, as we've talked about before the last time that we did our our interview, one of my favorite things that we can get at the moment in the UK is a tin of beans and little, teeny, teeny tiny vegan sausages, and it only costs one pound twenty a tin and because it's in a tin, it lasts for fucking ever. So you can, you can have as many as you want and you can stack them all up in your basement or wherever you want. It's got all of the good minerals and vitamins and everything, so you wouldn't have to miss it.

Speaker 7:

No, you wouldn't, no, you wouldn't have to miss it. I do miss it at the moment because you can't get them at the moment.

Speaker 4:

It's a finite resource.

Speaker 7:

That's the thing that I'd love more than anything. I'd love to have a hundred of those down in my basement or something. They're the greatest thing in the world.

Speaker 1:

Now I know what to get you for a holiday. Oh, Sylvester, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So are all of us vegans, and by us I mean y'all. Yes damn you.

Speaker 4:

Some of us are.

Speaker 7:

We're living in a world where you all have to be vegan and all vegetarian.

Speaker 2:

That might be, my apocalypse.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say, actually it kind of feels like the apocalypse. You kind of have to relearn how to cook things, and only recently did cheese become acceptable as a vegan, so it was a mini apocalypse when I stopped eating dairy cheese. All right, team Brains, nayila and Lori 60 seconds to decide. Do you want to take it away?

Speaker 6:

Go for it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I cannot accept soup pizza, otherwise known as deep dish, so I'll have to reject that. While I celebrate your commitment to animals, I love that part, it's the soup pizza I cannot get past. But I support you. I hope that there is deep dish in your future, but unfortunately, for that reason, it is a no for me. For me, um lived in the uk for five years do not support pretty much anything in a tin, so that's a no. And so I'm gonna have to go for a based because I would miss, like a shirt with scampi. So I'm gonna have to, yes, throw my support behind Sylvester thank you, that was very well reasoned we're gonna need a tiebreaker on this one, alright.

Speaker 5:

So, joe, I was with you. So in my world, animals are also undead and if you try to eat them, the meat still moves. So interesting, yeah, like the hamburger is still moving if you're trying to eat an undead cow. So no meats. Right, we're vegan and you had me until the pineapple.

Speaker 6:

I'm pineapple so.

Speaker 5:

I was with you until then. So I'm sorry I can't do it. I killed the pineapple for fun on a podcast. It was great, but pineapple, my mind not anywhere close to pizza thing. Sylvester can't do it because again the seafood is creepy crawling across the plate in my world. So I wouldn't miss it. I wouldn't miss it.

Speaker 2:

Run this animal.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we just can't eat it.

Speaker 2:

No meat Jack, I'm with you man.

Speaker 6:

It's been in the tin.

Speaker 5:

It's probably been in there for 10 years, so it was maybe before the apocalypse hit. So and I are having beans and teeny, tiny vegan sausages and we have some entertainment where we could have a fart off.

Speaker 4:

There you go. That's disgusting.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm not coming to that party.

Speaker 1:

So we have a, I mean in the apocalypse there's not much to do.

Speaker 7:

You don't want to come to our fart party? It's pretty gross, but it's better than smelling outside with the zombies, can I?

Speaker 1:

wear a mask. Yeah, can I wear one of the plague masks? Jack, from your zombie office. I was about to say you're talking to a man who wears a mask.

Speaker 5:

We just want to hear how they sound, because it's funny. Mask for everyone.

Speaker 1:

I think that's actually a fair thing in the apocalypse. Dan, you're the deal breaker here.

Speaker 4:

Oh, this one's hard.

Speaker 1:

Jack or Sylvester.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if I would like. I've never had these beans and sausage things that you speak of.

Speaker 7:

They're really nice, dan, and I don't know if they're nice.

Speaker 4:

I've never had such a thing. This is such a British thing that I feel like my DNA is like rejecting it.

Speaker 7:

What? Because it's British.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the Norse DNA inside of me is like. I don't like it.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of interchange between the English and the Norse. I'm probably more British than I am.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Keep in mind. You don't have to say to Alfredo got Stafi we got jerk.

Speaker 7:

No, you can come over to us. We got black pudding. We got mashed potatoes no, no, no don't listen to him. Come over to our side, dan, come on.

Speaker 4:

I'm not the animal eating type these days, but I feel like in the apocalypse I need anything um, just because you have to. But I guess if I have the option, I gotta go with jack the option is available that's just how it works it's really hard. I mean, this is the battle I fight daily where. I'm like that'd be tasty but it's made of animals.

Speaker 5:

Milo and I at least managed to be courteous to each other.

Speaker 2:

Jack's over here like yep that's the way I'm doing it. I understand. Just one with baked beans. I'll give you that you should celebrate. Yeah, I guess we're all gonna be in this fart party together we have.

Speaker 1:

Yes we have one more question that could tie all of this. So, yeah, what's, what's the count? I don't even know what we've got one for joe, two for jack and one for sylvester.

Speaker 1:

So, joe and sylvester, you're still in this, and then we have to do. I don't know what. We've got one for joe, two for jack and one for sylvester. So, joe and sylvester, you're still in this, and then we'd have to do I don't know what we're going to do to break the tie. That'll, I'll make it up then. Yeah, uh, your book's villain is now running a zombie themed food truck. What's on the menu? You got 30 seconds. I gotta mute. All right, I'm gonna just anybody who wants to run give it a try. Jump in.

Speaker 7:

Well, my book doesn't really have a villain, I suppose, so I'm not sure what kind of food truck they run.

Speaker 4:

But I guess the most problematic character.

Speaker 3:

You got some problematic characters.

Speaker 7:

Yeah yeah, it probably be something to do with beans, because everything in football has something to do with beans. So, yeah, I'm going to say it fuck it. Beans, beans for the brains, beans for the brains it's the bean trap no, you won that last time.

Speaker 2:

You're risking it doing it again oh, sylvester, coming, coming in hot.

Speaker 1:

What's your answer?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with book one and go with the ringmaster, because he's already a cannibal, so him and the zombies are on the same level. We're going to have barbecue soup. Let's see Tennessee calamari and sloppy Joe Cafferty.

Speaker 1:

These are all people. I just want to Caffins. These are all people I just want to be very clear these are all people that are being eaten Sloppy Joe Caffins.

Speaker 5:

Catherine, okay, thank you yeah.

Speaker 7:

Sloppy Joe what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I Go ahead Sylvester.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I was just. I feel like the cannibals would understand what this happens.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's bringing it back to when I was reading that to Dan as our bedtime story and then not able to sleep because I'm thinking about cannibal clowns.

Speaker 4:

I mean right off the bat. I'm just saying I'd eat some people.

Speaker 1:

Good to know, Joe. Bring us back to civility here.

Speaker 6:

I don't even know where to go with this one. To me this was the hardest one. This has nothing to do with my book's villain, because who is the villain? How do you know? So I'm just going to go neutral. I'm going to go back to one of my favorite foods, and that's a good mac and cheese. But here's the the spin it's going to be in a cup, dyed green, so it kind of looks like a brain in a cup, and that makes it zombie. Guys. I don't know what to do with this question you're feeding the zombies vegan macaroni and cheese zombie theme good, you were feeding, it could be us oh, true

Speaker 4:

yeah, I've always felt like macaroni and cheese should be served from food trucks, and they probably are.

Speaker 1:

But they are. I've never seen one so. Sylvester, we live in Texas. Yeah, they do in Texas.

Speaker 7:

Oh yeah, we gotta go food trucks for everything here no, mac and cheese is kind of the thing that you level everything against when you go to a restaurant, however good their mac and cheese is, that's how you think the place is.

Speaker 2:

I completely agree.

Speaker 7:

I don't care what your steak is like. If you've got a good mac and cheese, you're rocking. Jack. I feel like you just forfeited this round.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what your steak is like. If you've got a good mac and cheese, you're rocking.

Speaker 3:

Jack, I feel like you just forfeited this round.

Speaker 5:

Maybe I did, I don't care, all right, I got nothing, I got beans. Sir Sylvester's statement rings true. I think you were real pushing it here. I don't think beans will carry you for two rounds.

Speaker 2:

I can't make the beans with you last time. I enjoy it. I don't want no more beans. I could have something else.

Speaker 5:

Sylvester. As entertaining as eating people sounds, I know Dan would be there, but I don't want to. I don't want to eat the people. I'm going to go to the mac and cheese shape like a brain. In fact, I wrote down like this is brains. I was like whoever has brains, it won't focus, but whoever? Has brains at their cart. That's the one I'm going to.

Speaker 2:

The brains of fire. We'll see you in 10 years.

Speaker 7:

What are you drinking, jack, like you'd want to know.

Speaker 1:

Naila Naila, Let us know, Naila Naila, let us know when are we going. Are we team Joe? Are we team somebody else?

Speaker 3:

It's. What would the villain do, right? So like it sounds like pretty villainous to like be shopping, like straight up cannibalism, like you got a point, and also making people pay for it, like engaging in the act of commerce of this also. So I think, if we're talking about the villain and what seems the most villainous unless you like are I don't know from like big ammonium and you have like an agenda with these beans I'm gonna say that it's more villainous to eat people and also charge them for the joy of eating people. So I'm going to go with Sylvester just under the umbrella of villainy, unless, of course, a big ammonium or like an acid exists in these universes.

Speaker 5:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to change my answer because it is pretty villainous, as much as Mac and Chee's brain like.

Speaker 5:

I would eat that. If it was the villain, though it would be people, sylvester. All right, Joe, I love you. We can still be friends, right? I accept it. It's on Bessie's for life.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that means we've got a tie between Jack and Sylvester, and I think the only way that we can do this and stay on time and not make people have to pee their pants soon is for you to make a decision between the two. Dan, who do you think? Oh me. Who do you think rocked this round? Oh boy.

Speaker 4:

I wish I could remember anything at all.

Speaker 1:

Let's just go to the last question.

Speaker 4:

Last question oh well, I mean Jack kind of threw the towel with the beans.

Speaker 7:

The beans you all love the beans you all love the beans Jack. Come on, give us the beans Jack, sell me on these beans.

Speaker 4:

Why am I coming to the food truck for these beans?

Speaker 7:

what kind of beans are we talking about? Are we talking about human beans? Are we talking about great, terrible beans? I don't know. Gold finger, these are your beans, I think Jack is drunk, jack is very drunk.

Speaker 5:

jumping beans, gold finger. These are your beans. I think Jack is drunk. Jack is very drunk.

Speaker 4:

Jack is a little bit toasty.

Speaker 7:

I hope you know I'm completely sober, I'm fully sober but.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I Thanks Leah.

Speaker 1:

I did it. I touched the unmute button again.

Speaker 4:

Sylvester, can you describe?

Speaker 2:

We can hunt down your enemies and put them on the food truck too. They can be on the menu.

Speaker 4:

So these people are? You mentioned some barbecue, right? Mm-hmm, you mentioned some sloppy joes the barbecue are we talking? Are we talking like South Carolina style, or are we talking Missouri, st Louis, missouri style?

Speaker 2:

I would say slow smoked, and I'd go with Missouri.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, that is the answer I wanted, so I'm going to go with you If you said South Carolina style. I don't get down with mustard based barbecue sauces. No, so I'm going to have to go with.

Speaker 2:

Sylvester on this.

Speaker 4:

I don't get down with mustard based barbecue sauces. No, so I'm going to have to go with Sylvester on this.

Speaker 1:

A round of applause for.

Speaker 4:

Joe and.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Wings again.

Speaker 1:

A round of applause for Joe and Jack. Great effort Beans. Beans good for the heart. The more you eat, the more you fart I think that was the first song I learned as a child. That's my ode and you know I want that mac and cheese, joe, but we got Sylvester. It's Sylvester and Lori, y'all. That's where we're at. We have guests. There we go. Oh yeah, okay, guests.

Speaker 4:

Okay, oh, jl. And.

Speaker 1:

Lindsay, hi, it's 1.30 for us now.

Speaker 5:

Totally misread it.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God we didn't realize that was 1, 30 eastern and I guess we uh lose the zombie apocalypse no, no, we're coming, we're coming in.

Speaker 3:

You win at the very end with all our energy and all of our weapons yeah, we slept in.

Speaker 1:

We're ready to, we're ready to fight, we're ready to travel, we're ready to build, whatever we gotta do this is honestly like immaculate timing, jl and Lindsay, because we were just closing out the first episode and I was about to say we will be back next week for the stunning wild card conclusion where anybody could make it into the final round of the zombie weenie showdown. Who slept?

Speaker 4:

in and didn't attend any of the previous parts of the show.

Speaker 1:

What did I say about this being totally arbitrary and unfair? We're terrible. I feel so bad.

Speaker 5:

We're excited about this too.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, it's not too late.

Speaker 4:

You have a chance at least one of you.

Speaker 6:

All right, or maybe you know what you want, you two can be.

Speaker 1:

You two can be a dynamic duo for the next episode. How about that? That was the original plan.

Speaker 6:

Wait, it's next weekend.

Speaker 1:

No, it's next week for the listeners. So we're all going to say goodbye for the listeners and then pretend it's a week later. Oh, cool, okay.

Speaker 7:

So we're time traveling? Yes, we're using the power of imagination. It's like a real game show it's like jeopardy and they film like four episodes in one day.

Speaker 4:

Exactly what they do not know what.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I gotta re-listen because we got. An hour is lies, daniel I'm saying it again daniel redacted.

Speaker 4:

Redacted we gotta stay on track here. We got an hour, all right, I was just fuming and I already need to pee even though we just had a break.

Speaker 1:

So we're gonna do this. Yes, we are. We are going to close out episode one. Thank you already for listening. Who knows who's going to win the zombie ween game? Show zombie ween. Is it laurie? Is it sylvester? Is it jaylen lindsey who just showed up? We don't know. Find out next week newcomer that just showed up because they didn't know what time it was. Have a good week, everybody. See you soon. Everybody say goodbye, bye bye zombies cranberries perfect.

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