Zombie Book Club
Welcome to Zombie Book Club! We're a Podcast that's also a book club! We talk about Zombie / Apocalyptic horror novels, TV and movies.
Zombie Book Club
Brian's Double Life: Welding by Day, Zombie Enthusiast by Night with Brian from Zombpocalypse Podcast | Zombie Book Club ep 62
In this episode of the Zombie Book Club, we sit down with Brian from the Zombpocalypse podcast to discuss all things undead. Brian shares his journey as a podcaster, welder, and family man, revealing how he balances life in Wisconsin with his passion for zombies. We dive into zombie survival strategies, weapon choices, and the quirks of zombie media, all while getting Brian’s take on how to build a community during an apocalypse. Plus, we explore his mission to support small creators in the zombie niche, from authors to game developers.
Join us for a fun and insightful conversation as we swap stories about favorite zombie movies, dive into the world of podcasting, and talk survival tactics in a hypothetical apocalypse. Whether you’re a die-hard zombie fan or just curious, this episode is packed with humor, heartfelt moments, and valuable tips for navigating both the zombie and real-world challenges.
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well in the zombie book club, the only book club where the book is a podcast and the podcast is about zombies, but it's not the podcast you're listening to right now. I'm Dan and when I'm not surviving my own personal day to day apocalypse called work, I am writing a book about a different apocalypse, which is more preferable, where everyone is dead and trying to eat me.
Speaker 2:Yum and I'm Leah, and my own personal apocalypse is trying to convince people to read a Salesforce user guide that I wrote a few weeks ago that even I don't want to read. I would also prefer undead cannibals. Yeah, me too.
Speaker 1:Let's just get eaten by cannibals.
Speaker 2:Undead cannibals. Today is a casual dead episode, but we have a very special guest, Brian, the brilliant brain and voice behind Zompocalypse podcast. Welcome to the show, Brian. How are you doing today?
Speaker 3:I'm doing wonderful. Thank you for having me on. It's been a long time coming. Yes, I'm just thinking to myself. I know we tried to have another recording like what a month or two ago and now finally happened.
Speaker 1:I mean, I think it was a comedy of errors that led to this, but we're finally here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm just super excited, super nervous, but it's just actually nice just to actually talk to you guys, instead of holding on and record for a minute and then do it again, then do it again. It's just really nice to actually talk to you guys if I'm on the phone with you and it's just hear real-time response and stuff like that. It's like don't, don't get me wrong, I love like hearing responses in between my sentences. Listen to that, try to add on to that, talk to that sentence. It's just super funny and just super awesome. And I was going to say this to you guys thank you so much like for like being there, for like supporting me and being there for me when I had a couple of difficult times and stuff like that. You guys are amazing. It's like if anybody out there is listening, it's like if you guys want to like get something off your chest for like about, especially if you get bit by a zombie, turn to these two. They'll definitely.
Speaker 1:No turn to these two. They'll definitely no, not. If you've been bitten by a zombie, go go, uh, go be with your family. If you've been bitten by a zombie, go to a group of strangers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I'll say brian like it's been really great to get to know you over the last year, so I feel like we've been chatting and I love like our little back and forth audio messages on. You know what's weird about.
Speaker 1:That is like we've had so many voice messages back and forth that when, when I realized that we were doing this episode and this is the first time that we're actually talking to brian I uh, I was like that can't be right. We've talked to him a whole bunch, yeah, about deep things, just never at the same time, just recorded versions of ourselves back and forth.
Speaker 2:I have maintained a like almost 20 year French, actually a 20 year friendship since I moved to the US 14 years with voice recordings, Pretty much we almost never, talk in real time. So it's possible. But, Brian, tell us a little bit about who you are for the listeners if they have not yet heard you on Zumpocalypse podcast.
Speaker 3:Oh well, my name is Brian. I talk about. I like talking about zombies. I've been a fan of zombies since I was a child. I have a wife, three kids, another one on the way. I'm a Libra. I like long walks on the beach. I'm from Wisconsin. I'm a welder, so welding on the beach.
Speaker 1:I'm from wisconsin I'm a welder, so welding on the beach yes, welding on the beach, butt naked, just kidding.
Speaker 3:No, don't do that, ladies and gentlemen, you will get burned, trust me. You see my freaking arm. I have a sleeve on my arm. There's little pox of missing skin because of freaking welding and stuff like that. But yeah, I, other than that, it's like a little bit more of myself. I'm pretty quiet. Um, I don't do anything exciting, you know, I just take care of my family and hang out with the wife and the kids and stuff like that. Absolutely that's pretty much my life right there in a nutshell. So other and besides that, I record uh podcasts when I'm doing uh deliveries as a second job and in between.
Speaker 1:So that's why that's pretty much my life story right there well, you know, I think I think especially post-pandemic people have a different take on what is it exciting versus fulfilling life these days, you know, uh, we had to redefine what those things were when everybody was required to just stay at home and uh eat frozen food I love it.
Speaker 3:Yeah for sure, yeah for sure, 100. I mean, during the pandemic I, thankfully, was working and stuff like that, and my wife stayed home because when the when it first happened, everybody was super afraid because they didn't understand what was going on, and she's also a delivery driver full time and she was off of work for such a for a few months before. We were like you know what? We need to get out, we need to do this. We can't just stay indoors and just be like SpongeBob. I was like the King's all here, but after a while we decided like you know what, we're going to go outside, we got to live our lives. We can't just be stuck indoors all day. Um, I was thankful enough my job um was able to let me to work so I could at least get some sort of interaction and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, you've got a welding mask, so yeah.
Speaker 3:You've got the face mask. The thing is, in the beginning of that this is a true story they wanted us to wear a mask under our welding mask and by the time I got done, welding inside of that mask was pure black. It was bad and we were like this shit is not going to work. It's killing us, literally killing us for bringing in all that fumes and getting stuck in there and continuously bringing in the fumes like you're gonna fucking kill us, man. So they finally said, well, if you're wearing a like a face shield of why we don't wear a mask.
Speaker 1:so I'm like, thank god, I hate wearing those damn fucking things yeah, and I mean a lot of people they opted for, like the, the, the thin plastic face shield anyway. So it's kind of kind of the same thing, except you, yours also has auto dimming glass in it my friend oh hell yeah, a mermaid professionally made herself a um, like one of those.
Speaker 2:What are those? This plugs is plague masks. Oh yeah, the bubonic plague era, and she would just put that on top of her actual mask and walked around at Walmart like that.
Speaker 1:So she was like a plague doctor mermaid.
Speaker 2:Yes, shout out to Becca if you're listening. One of the coolest people I know.
Speaker 1:That is super awesome. That sounds terrifying. Also, those things creep me out.
Speaker 2:They are creepy. That's the point. She's a pro-Halloween person. It was kind of a perfect excuse for her to do that.
Speaker 3:That's really super cool. I would love to see something like that Around here. I haven't seen anything awesome like that, but I've seen people wearing different types of Halloween masks. That's about it. But seeing something like that, I'm probably going to think it be really super freaking cool to see.
Speaker 2:Yeah, becca, if you're out there, you need to do a world tour. Just show up at random Walmarts across the United States and document it on Instagram, you'll be famous. You already have a good following. Anyways, brian, tell us what your podcast is about. I mean, we know, but for the listeners who maybe haven't heard yet, well with me and with this podcast I'm doing.
Speaker 3:I want to do about zombie survival uh, kind of do something a little different than other zombie podcasts. I just kind of want to see how people survive during the apocalypse and stuff and give them a little bit of advice and take it to reddit and see what other people have to say. So basically, this podcast is more for, like, the people out there who are listening. It's basically your podcast, I'm your voice of saying, hey, you know, this is how I would survive and this is how they will survive. So we just put our heads together and seeing like how people will survive together. But yet, on the other hand, I'm doing a little experimentation of like reading off stories from apocalypse, trying to get small authors out there, or at least people who like to write short stories, to give the people confidence my story is out there, people love it and stuff like that. So I want to write more short stories and hopefully turn it into a book full, full short stories about, like, the zombie apocalypse. Yeah. So another thing I want to do also just like kind of like you're into like video games and like small video game, uh, creators and stuff. Try to hook up with them and be like hey, you know you're creating a small zombie game. Hey, let's talk and see how we can get the word out for you and stuff like that. I want to get the word out by small authors, how we can get the word out for you and stuff like that.
Speaker 3:I want to get the word out by small authors. I want to get the word out by small, um, zombie creators, like art games and stuff like that, because I feel like I want to, like you guys do is like shout out to the people who are, uh, smaller creators and stuff like that. You know, because if you get the word out by someone, they'll definitely get the word word out about you too. That's true. So I feel like this zombie community that we have right now is amazing, how we help each other out and give advice and stuff like that. And it's just so far. This community has been nothing but amazing. I ran into one bad egg, but you know what? There's going to be bad eggs out there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're out there, but overall I feel like the zombie community loves to eat each other's brains and it's very mutual and feels supportive.
Speaker 1:You know, going back to something that you were saying before about the zombie community, I really think like this is such a like a small niche like this is such a like a small niche, um, you know, like if we were tolkien nerds, we would have such a huge amount of people that we could talk to about our hyper focus, um, and most people like zombie movies, but there's, there's a special niche of people that are like I crave zombie movies, I need them in my life and I don't think that, like, the average person out there necessarily understands why and like because it's like such a a narrow niche, like it makes sense that we just help each other out, because the more that we help each other, the the more that we can all benefit from being in this community together and we can build something bigger by being together as a horde, maybe of zombies yeah, brian, I really love when you, when you read the short stories.
Speaker 2:I'm curious how you find them for your podcast. I've the.
Speaker 3:The first one I've done is uh, for the first two, I've written. I've written a little subject on Reddit on first slash zombies. If you go on Reddit and you'll be able to find the community there which is zombies. I just wrote in and said, hey, I want to hear your survival stories. And they wrote like a good couple paragraphs and stuff like that. Of course I give them some credit.
Speaker 3:Like I read the years and this is from so-and-so, and I read their story and there's a couple of them I have to improvise to make the story a little longer and so part of it is from them and some of this from me too. So we're both kind of like doing it together and stuff. So it's something that we're kind of like working on together with and that's what I would do with. Like people out there too is like if you have a short story, it's like send them, like I would love to read it. You know it's like I'll give the shout out, I'll give you anything any handles you have out there, but if you just want it to be read, sure, and there's, I'm going to do another uh, short story I really want to read. It's from thecreepypastacom. It's about a deer who got infected. It's, from their perspective, zomb deer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yes, what did we watch? Recently that had a zombie deer. Oh, that was a Korean something. Train to Busan. Yes, I forgot that that was a train to Busan, was that?
Speaker 1:in train. Busan Started off with a Zomdeer. Well, it was Zomfish and then Zomdeer the fish were infected first, and then the deer, I guess, drank the water or ate the fish. You know how deer do they eat fish?
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. Well, I'll just say for the folks listening, if you're new to Brian, who we often call affectionately just Zompocalypse, because that's your handle on Instagram, we go back and forth, brian. I hope that's okay. We may just call you Zompocalypse. Sometimes it's all good.
Speaker 2:But I would just say, like, brian is a stand up quality human and you can trust him with your work and to give you a good shout out. So definitely check out the episodes that they have out there for the apocalypse podcast and if you've got a story you want to share, it's a great venue, yeah uh, I would.
Speaker 3:I would do my best reading it's like I'm not the greatest I read. I'm honestly, I'm like kind of like I'll like say ums, or they have like long pauses, so I'm like rereading it like five times over to make sure I get it yeah, that's I mean you're. You're talking to the choir right now yes I but you know, I just accepted my ums for what they are same.
Speaker 3:So, like I was saying, is like I would do my best to make it good quality content. I have music in the background to get like the mood going and stuff like that which, if you guys are wondering, if you guys hear like background music, that's from a creator called Mew, which is M-Y-U-U. He's a dark piano musician. He's well known and like Marvel and other, even video games too. If you go to the dark pianocom you can see all all the stuff he has done. He's on yeah, yeah. So if he's on like he does creepypasta, creepypasta, um music for like other creators out there too, like mr creepypasta.
Speaker 3:I don't know if you guys heard of him before, but he's another uh person who reads short stories, horror short stories. I should say, um, he is another great um person to turn to for like horror stories and stuff. But I want to do zombies short stories, horror stories, because I feel that there's not enough zombie short stories out there in the world. I feel like it's like I wanted to grow this community to be like yeah, this is awesome, this is fun, even though this could be like weird or whatever. It's like there's so many different types of zombies out there that needs to be told instead of the romeros and stuff like that. I just like there's so many types of zombies out there which I think is super awesome.
Speaker 2:Speaking of types of zombies, we have to ask you our rapid fire questions.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we almost dove into this without hitting these rapid fires.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for someone who said they were nervous, you were on it.
Speaker 3:I'm super nervous. When I get nervous, I just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah.
Speaker 1:All right, well, direct some of that nervous energy towards question number one Fast or slow zombies?
Speaker 3:Fast in movies and games, slow in real life. So I prefer slow. I, if it's fast, I'm done. I'm a, I'm a big guy man I am. I have a screwed up left knee, so yeah, I'm done.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm done. I'm a big guy man. I have a screwed up left knee, so yeah, I'm done.
Speaker 2:So close knees, hips ankles back feet, yep neck elbows, shoulders, my back, my feet and my 40 hour work week or the zombie apocalypse. What do you choose?
Speaker 3:40 40 hour work week because I don't feel like I want to worry every single day protecting my family and stuff, because I feel like I will just be to the point I get absolutely no sleep and make sure my kids, my family, are okay and stuff like that, and if I I ever see a group of zombies, I'm going there sacrificing myself so they can live on and I don't want to, freaking, leave this earth without my kids being or leaving my kids behind and stuff. I just want to deal with the 40-hour work week, coming home every single day to my family and stuff. So I mean, don't get me wrong, there's people out there who wants a zombie apocalypse because of just, they want a big old reset and everything. Trust me, I want a big reset too. But yeah, do we really want a big reset or do we just just saying that because maybe we're secretly murderers?
Speaker 1:I thought about that too, yeah you know I can, I can attest to this like there is a part of me that's dark and I'm just like I just kind of just want to go and just wholesale slaughter a bunch of this is corpses and uh have it be okay, you know it's fine, right, that's what video games? That's what video games exactly there's?
Speaker 4:there's that part in me. I'm a veteran.
Speaker 2:So like you know it's, it's a hidden trap thing that I'm not allowed to express in society but I appreciate you saying that, like you prefer the 40 hour work week because I mean, we joke a lot about the zombie apocalypse at least I'm joking about wanting the zombie apocalypse to be clear I'm serious me, it is a joke because I don't actually want to see my friends get eaten and also like if our society completely crumbled overnight.
Speaker 2:There are a lot of people I know that need life-saving medications that wouldn't be available, so for the record Dan's not joking, but I am.
Speaker 1:Also, you know, I think, raising small children in the zombie apocalypse. You're going from a 40 hour work week to now like a 120 hour work week.
Speaker 2:I mean, you already are just having small children period. Even in a non-apocalyptic scenario, it's a lot of work, right?
Speaker 1:I think there's some benefits, though, because you're still spending a lot of time raising your kids. You're still spending a lot of time raising your kids, but like, maybe without that 40 hour work week, you know, you have a little bit more time to make like applesauce or something.
Speaker 3:Right, right. Another thing, too is since I like to touch base on it and while my episodes um, I've mentioned something. Somebody like um mentioned that their kids are disabled, they're wheelchair bound and they need insulin. Like you had to fridge that stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know how to make insulin.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I don't know either and I said in my opinion, saying I am so sorry, I was like I know you go to hell and back to protect your kids, but honestly, I hate saying this, but they won't survive very long If I hate saying this, but they won't survive very long if I mean I. If you're a wheelchair bound and you're fine, yeah, you can kick some ass, for sure 100.
Speaker 1:But if you need like a life-saving medication, you're fucked, dude I hate saying that that they there's, there's, there's a few like prepper podcasts that I I listen to and that is like a big concern is like if you, if you, require medication to live, it's going to be very difficult. I think it can be done, but like there's, there's a huge, a huge learning curve and a like it's it is a huge barrier to survival I think at the same time, if people can figure out how to remake um gunpowder, maybe they could.
Speaker 2:You know, there could be people out there. I think it depends on guns are fun.
Speaker 1:Insulin is not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, nobody's talking about how to make insulin in the apocalypse, but I think it'll depend on, like, how we come together as a community to solve things. But also, um, my two cents is that we should be able to stockpile medicines that we need. I'd like that would be an interesting thing. To just advocate foreign policy now, should there be a zombie apocalypse, why do I have to go to the pharmacy every month? I have stuff.
Speaker 2:I need for the rest of my life. It won't kill me if I don't take it, but I won't be very well.
Speaker 1:And if it has to be refrigerated, maybe we're over here using our hand-cranked radios to power refrigerators, but also do it the old way Dig a fucking hole in the ground save ice and stuff like that too.
Speaker 3:So I mean, that's, that's what northern states have more advantage of, because we have harsh winters, ice, snow, boom, perfect, yeah. But to keep it through the summer months is going to be shitty, but I believe we'll be able to do it if we we have the technology to do that, and maybe we need to go grab a, kidnap a zombie and do like a freaking hamster wheel Power, that shit.
Speaker 1:From zombies.
Speaker 2:Are you voting for Vermin Love Supreme, who is pushing for clean energy through zombies?
Speaker 3:Oh my god, I've seen him. Yes, I'm going for him.
Speaker 4:He is freaking amazing.
Speaker 3:I know he's like joking around and shit like that, but his policies, man, are like what the fuck?
Speaker 2:free ponies for all? Have you told your children yet that if vermin love supreme is president, they'll get free ponies?
Speaker 3:oh, my fucking god, my daughter will absolutely love that. She is like, obsessed with unicorns and girly stuff and she will absolutely love that she talks about her grandma's horse. My mother-in-law does have a horse, beautiful animal, and she will absolutely love this. She talks about like I want to ride grandma's horse and stuff like that and like, hell yeah, free ponies. I'm voting for him free fucking ponies. But one downfall it takes a lot to take care of them because my aunt had horses and it's a lot to take care of them.
Speaker 1:But you know, overall good transportation, especially zombie apocalypse hits yeah, I love horses, but they are a lot of work and trying to feed them in the apocalypse would also be challenging you know, I feel like there was actually a policy in the us that everyone got a free pony and like it's nota thing that you can opt out of, and everybody just got a free pony. I feel like there would be a huge societal collapse just from everybody owning ponies. Nobody would know what to do. They're like how do you take care of a pony? There'd be ponies running around in the streets.
Speaker 2:This is not good news for the ponies. I do not endorse this policy anymore now that I think about it.
Speaker 3:They are not going to be well cared for I am policy anymore, now that I think about it. They are not going to be well cared for I am so sorry for changing your guys's minds.
Speaker 2:Damn sorry, vermin, love supreme, we will not be voting for you anymore.
Speaker 1:Bad policy okay, last wait. No, we're not even on the last rapid fire question. We're having too much fun. Yeah, okay, uh, oh, yeah, it's, it's the apocalypse. You didn't get that 40 hour work, like, like you wanted. Um, you know also, by the way, you're a welder. Do you even work 40 hours, like, do you know? Yes, I mean like you probably work 40 plus right, yes, I do.
Speaker 3:I worked like 48 hours a week if, um, if it needs overtime, but overall, yes, I work 40 hours a week. Three, uh, four days a week, 10 hour shifts, which is super nice because you get that three day. Oh, it's amazing. I and another thing, dan, and and I'm sorry, dan, and also another thing too I want to thank you for your service. I'm a big military supporter. My family and friends been in the military. I had a buddy who was my. He's like a brother to me. He passed away over in Iraq. It's all good, you know, it's like it happens. He's my hero and every single service member out there, if you're listening to this, thank you guys for your service. You guys are my heroes too. So, like I said, thank you, dan, for your service. I appreciate it, everything you've done. Yeah, I wanted to go into the military service but I couldn't because of my mental health and a couple other.
Speaker 1:Um, oh, you want to fit right in.
Speaker 3:Oh, I'm sure, but it's, it's fun. It's funny because I talked to all the branches and stuff like that. The marines are like, oh, we'll take you, and stuff like that. And they heard about my show.
Speaker 1:They're like, yeah, uh maybe they're like mental health problems.
Speaker 3:You're in your shoulder's bad get out exactly so, but overall it's like I'm just happy that I know my family and friends were in it and the cool thing is a little history about my family.
Speaker 2:My grandma was a rosy riveter cool, that's awesome my grandma a farmerette is what they called them in canada in world war ii. A farmerette, really, but are in a farm. Yeah, all the young women went and worked the farms while the men were overseas, so that's really cool so it's basically your mom or your grandma in the poster.
Speaker 1:All right, so this is a perfect transition right into the next question. Then Awesome, it is the zombie apocalypse. You didn't get that 40 hour work leak. What would be your weapon of choice?
Speaker 3:Shotgun Easy. I love a shotgun. Give me a shotty.
Speaker 1:Simple point and click interface.
Speaker 3:Pretty much. I will go with a semi-all mag or just freaking a pump action shotgun. I don't know. I love shotguns, even since when I was a kid. Yeah, I just loved them. I think it's just a simple click, click, ready to go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, buckshot buffet.
Speaker 3:Oh fuck, yeah, dude, all you can eat, yep. But if you have a nice, oh fuck, yeah dude, oh you can eat, yep. And plus. Another thing too is like it's just, I had a british 303 for hunting and as a bolt bolt actions british 303 custom stock. It had an engraved of a 20 point buck on it and that fucker kicked. So it was an iron sight. I went hunting that thing I got. I got like a deer, I had a little small doe, but other than that, a shotgun is my weapon of choice. If I have no weapons are available, I probably just go with some sort of a blunt type of weapon. I feel sharp objects are prone to get stuck in skulls too much, yeah, and so when I yeah exactly, I mean, of course you can say blunt weapons can spray blood too, but I think it keeps it inside the meat sack you know, exactly so.
Speaker 3:So there you go it's.
Speaker 1:It's it's safer because like, yeah, you can make a mess if you start bashing zombies with a baseball bat, but it also like it can keep it contained so that it's not splattering into your mouth and infecting you that's another thing too.
Speaker 3:I don't. That's another thing I don't see in books and movie. They don't put in consideration the splatter effect. Yeah, splatters get in your mouth, your eyes, your ears and your cuts.
Speaker 1:28 days later. Did a good job of that, but, like oh, fuck, yeah, they did.
Speaker 3:That's the only zombie movie that I've noticed. I think maybe even um, oh, what's that brad pitt movie?
Speaker 1:um yeah, that's right at the very beginning, is worried about which brad pitt brad pitt movie there's the movie with a zombie in it world war z. That's the one, the only one. No other movies of zombies I don't think so.
Speaker 2:I'm okay with that. Yeah, there's been enough Brad Pitt for my lifetime, honestly.
Speaker 1:Right, you know what. Talk about getting stuff in your mouth.
Speaker 2:It's the zombie apocalypse Again.
Speaker 1:you didn't get that 40 hour work week, but you only get to eat one unlimited shelf stable food item for the rest of your life. I guess you got to feed your family on this too, but you have an unlimited supply and, uh, what? What is it?
Speaker 3:pizza. You have variety pizza.
Speaker 2:You can put anything on pizza here's my question, though but how is pizza shelf stable? My friend is it, isn't it? Yeah, it's a shelf stable food, so it's got to be like oh yeah, you can't.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry. You can have pepperoni, you know you'd have to have all the ingredients.
Speaker 2:Now that I think about it, you can have the ingredients to make pizza. I don't know what you're gonna do about cheese you can only have one.
Speaker 3:I must, I must have missed. I understood. I misunderstood your question because I found a loophole in that. What if you could pick any food but shelf-stable? You pick that food and it's shelf-stable.
Speaker 2:Oh, it becomes shelf-stable.
Speaker 1:I mean pizza sometimes has a lot of preservatives in it if you buy frozen.
Speaker 3:Right. So if you want to go with more technical terms, Rochelle Stable, Miss Fancy Pants McGee.
Speaker 2:You know what? That is my new name Fancy Pants McGee.
Speaker 3:So geez, I probably like ravioli because the kids love ravioli yeah if it's canned Spaghetti meatballs yeah, canned, chef boyardee will last forever I mean for what?
Speaker 2:I take it back actually because you could have flour. You just need water and yeast. Well, yeast can die over time, but you basically have if you you can be like a baking powder version
Speaker 2:that's true, you know, and then you could have a canned sauce, pepperonis or spam, and then you could forage some mushrooms to put on there. It'd be good. It just would be a cheeseless pizza, unless you have a cow yeah, we have to have two cows because they've got to make a baby or cashews yeah, that's true, you can make cashew cheese. Good point.
Speaker 3:And also cheese can be. You can eat the cheese if it's molded too. It just got stripped off the mold that is true.
Speaker 1:You know, moldy cheese isn't always bad.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna just disagree on this one.
Speaker 1:If you've never, you've never enjoyed a blue cheese, a blue, that's all. I don't like blue cheese.
Speaker 2:Oh well, then I guess you haven't. Blue cheese is good. No, thank you, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:I mean in an apocalypse, I would eat it back before refrigeration and preservatives. Mold around the outside actually encased the cheese and kept it airtight from the rest of it spoiling. So you would shave off the outside edges of the moldy cheese and the cheese on the inside was good.
Speaker 2:Didn't know that Could also. If you dig yourself a cellar, you could just put cheese down in there and it will last for a really long time and age it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cheese wheels. We haven't heard anybody choose cheese wheels as their unlimited shelf, stable food item well, I'm in.
Speaker 3:Well, I should have said something like that.
Speaker 2:Because I'm wisconsin, I'm not for the cheese and beer I've only been to wisconsin once and the number of cheese hats that I could get at the airport was truly astounding yeah, because it represents the green bay packers. So oh it does. There you go. Yeah, I don't know anything about sports, I'm. I just was like, wow, they really. I know they love cheese, but this is another level, like who's walking around? Wearing a cheese hat, I guess I could get one.
Speaker 3:Okay, that makes more sense yep, we're cheese heads creamy packers known for cheese heads.
Speaker 1:So there you go also, I don't think that you're legally allowed to uh to pass through wisconsin without receiving cheese. It's a law, I think you're just not allowed to receive the cheese. You receive cheese.
Speaker 2:You have to receive the cheese yeah I think that they broke that law when I got off the plane then, because they should have handed me some cheese and there was none well, I think I think you broke the law.
Speaker 1:Leah, perhaps, um, probably, let's, uh, let's, let's bring this from cheese to zombies. Yeah, zombie cheese. What? Uh, zombie cheese? What made, what made you decide to start a podcast about the zombie apocalypse?
Speaker 3:well, I simply I love talking about zombies and I've tried to talk to zombies and to my friends, but I feel like they're losing interest in zombies and stuff like that. I was like, don't get me wrong, I can talk to zombies about to my wife, but after a while she's like I don't want to really talk about it yeah so it's just like I got her into, like the walking dead and the last of us tv show.
Speaker 3:She really enjoys them. Well, there's only ceremony she can take for me talking about zombies and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:Um yeah, other than that, a bit much, I think. I I secretly feel that maybe, um, when we started this podcast, leah, that you were doing it so that I would have an outlet to talk about zombies.
Speaker 2:That wasn't just like all the time, all day, every day possibly, and I do have a master plan where there's other co-hosts, so I can occasionally dip out although I do I say that, but I actually really love the podcast. It's a very sweet opportunity to bond with this handsome guy across the table from me. Brian, I'm kidding, don't tell kayla. I said that it was a joke yeah it, uh it.
Speaker 1:It took me for a ride too. You know what Speaking? What does your family think about your zombie love and do they know about your podcast?
Speaker 3:Obviously you know my wife knows about my podcast. She supports me. She thinks it's really cool because it gives me an opportunity to talk about zombies and also another thing I enjoy and loved doing. Here's a fun fact about this she named the podcast Zompocalypse.
Speaker 3:Because I told her I was like I want to do something with zombies, like playing video games and stuff like that, or just talking about zombies. She's like I was trying to give it her name or something like that. She's like why don't you just do Zompocalypse instead of zombie apocalypse? Just combine the two together, be zompocalypse. He's like I fucking love that. Excuse me, I love that name and so I just stuck with it. So I thank kayla, for you know, this is for naming this podcast.
Speaker 1:Um, yeah, it sticks, it's, it's, it's got, it's got good attention-holding value to it.
Speaker 3:Right and it has a good ring to it and my parents don't really give a shit, like, oh, you have a podcast, cool. Okay, I haven't told my sisters yet because I know they're doing their own thing, but I think they'd be kind of. I know they'll be supportive Because while my sister is a small business owner which I do want to talk to her about, like doing like a little like a short sponsor for her because she is a small business locally out of Madison, wisconsin and I just want to give her a little bit more business no, she's a bouquet.
Speaker 3:I think that's the proper word, not bouquet, oh I think that's the proper word, not bouquet.
Speaker 3:Oh my god. Boutique, yes, thank you, I was close, I was very close. Boutique, yes, she sells boutique Balls and jewelry and candles and stuff. All of them are environmental friendly, nice. So the clothes hangers are cardboard. They're recyclable. So she does think about the environment and stuff like that, which is awesome.
Speaker 3:So, yeah, I definitely want to talk to her about just doing like a little shout out for her and see what she thinks, even though it is a, even though my podcast is zombie related, but, um, I and I don't know what she really thinks. But my son, my oldest son, he listens to my podcast, he absolutely loves it. He wants to be part of my show and I told him I was like I would love him to be on there just to see how his generation, my generation, are, like what they think about zombies and stuff like that. Yeah, he may be a younger child, under the age of 10, but it's so nice to hear, like, what he thinks about what is a zombie, compared to my knowledge of what is a zombie, since I have a full lifetime of not knowing zombies compared to him and what he thinks and what he sees and how he was introduced to zombies and stuff like that kind of do something like that, it's like a family tradition.
Speaker 3:I love it. Yeah, yeah, exactly that's how my son and I do bond and, unfortunately, my daughter she's. She's very young too, and she is scared of zombies and stuff like that and it's, which is unfortunate. But what do you expect?
Speaker 1:she's a girly girl, yes exactly.
Speaker 2:So what she's afraid of about zombies, but also maybe she just needs a cute zombie plushie. We were Googling this recently.
Speaker 3:There's actually quite a few very cute zombie plushies and some horrifying she does Right, but maybe later on I'll introduce her to a little more scary stuff as she gets older, um, but other than that, she that's one thing. I've one one thing I kind of scared introducing to more zombies, because I don't know how this happened.
Speaker 3:um, she had a dream about zombies that was eating her and she felt it and I was like, oh, my fucking god, how the hell does she hear, like how does she know about this? I didn't talk about zombies around her, oh, yeah, yeah, I wonder. So maybe she overheard a conversation between my son and I, that's, and well, she was another room, and or she watched a something on her tablet, or whatever.
Speaker 1:So I don't know, but it's. I mean, zombies are, are like almost everywhere now, even though, like, even though the the zombie apocalypse fan group is still like a very niche group, zombies are everywhere like. I feel like the you can't really turn on your tablet without seeing at least one zombie, something ad uh, while playing like a mobile game or something that may be uh your algorithm, dan that is true I'm like why is every ad I see about zombies?
Speaker 1:oh yeah, I wonder. But you know what also, you know in the in the same household they might be like this one tablet really likes zombie stuff. Maybe all the tablets in this household like zombie stuff and they're like hey kid, you want to see a, a rotting corpse eating your neighbor I had.
Speaker 3:I done a mistake once. Because you know how netflix the shows, I get a little preview on your profile like tv shows, whatever is going on yeah, yeah, and my, my, my daughter turned it on and she was going through like the profiles. She went on mine and see a preview of zombies. Yeah, she freaked out. I'm like and my wife yelled at me he's like, if you're gonna watch fucking zombies again, make sure you shut that shit off. I'm like, I'm sorry, that's the hard part about having children I like.
Speaker 2:Also, do you have to like not swear around your kids?
Speaker 3:it's hard, it's really hard for me not to, but I do swear, which I am thankfully my daughter's smart enough not to swear. Even my son, he doesn't swear either.
Speaker 1:Um, I gotta imagine a welder, it's hard to turn the swearing oh off. Yes, it is some of my favorite friends.
Speaker 2:Actually, they were like we're making a conscious decision to swear in front of our children, but we'll just teach them that those are not words for them and it worked.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's what we do and as I tell her hey, that's not a word you need to say. Only grown ups can say those words, even though we're trying to stop. But I feel that you can't stop it because, for one, she's in school, she's going to hear all types of shit in there, and two, if she's gonna learn about, I'd rather have learned from me than other kids at school, for you know. So shoot. I was gonna say something else but I totally forgot. Um, welcome to my world. But be right, my, that's a consistent thing. But being a blue collar worker, you hear swearing all the time because you hear fuck shit, motherfuckers, god damn it all the time, like working on stuff, bay, bay, bay fuck yeah, you hear swearing that like breaks the boundaries of what you thought was possible.
Speaker 2:Wow, I mean I will say I have an office job, a remote office job, and we all love to swear, I like. Well, anytime I work with somebody new, I will just find a way to ask them how they feel about it and 90% of the time they're like please swear. Like now I don't have to worry about swearing anymore. Yeah, but they're not just randomly yelling fuck shit in the vicinity of me, so that is a little different.
Speaker 2:If you could choose any fictional character, Brian, to help you survive a zombie apocalypse, who would it be?
Speaker 3:Jeez, joel, 100% Joel from the Last of Us. Why Joel Joel? He's a rugged, down-to-earth guy who knows how to get shit done. He will do anything to protect anyone that's around him. Especially when you see Ellie, he will protect her at all costs and he will get it done. And, of course, during that time, he gives you life lessons about his life and about the shit that's going on around him. And he takes a lot of shit from people and yet still has a calm demeanor and look in your eye and fucking kill you, with no smile or no emotion on his face.
Speaker 1:The trick is to not be the wrong person in that relationship. It's, it's hard to crack that shell and be one of the people that Joel gives a shit about.
Speaker 2:I'm curious what your take is on um joel choosing to. Okay, hold on pause everybody. If you have not watched the last of us, season one, you should fast forward at least 60 seconds, possibly longer, because I'm gonna ask a spoiler question and also probably longer.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay, let's say five minutes, fast forward five minutes and we'll be done but I'm really curious what your take was on uh him choosing to kill all of the people in the hospital to save ellie, when ellie could have possibly saved the world um, I gotta put myself in his shoes because if it, if I have to sacrifice my shell to save the world, I don't think I'll be able to do it, because I wouldn't live without any. If I, if my any of my kids, passes away, I will go fucking nuts, you know. Yes, I had my other kids to look uh after too, but one of my worst fears is losing a child and I won't be able to do what joel can do because after a while he's seen Ellie as his own child, you know yeah, in the beginning of the last of us yes, he lost and she.
Speaker 3:He sees his daughter and Ellie, which you can definitely tell like going on even in the video games. You have that more connection with them because it's more in depth in the video game. So if I were, you guys, if anybody has listened to this part play the video game and watch the, and watch the show too.
Speaker 1:That's fucking fantastic yeah, I haven't played the game and I, I, I should, I really should. I've never been on. Yes, I haven't been an owner of a playstation. I've always had xboxes and I I kind of regret that, to be honest um, so I mean other than that.
Speaker 3:To get back on the subject, I would do the same as joel would would have done, and I am totally serious. I mean, I get it there could be a cure, but is it a hundred percent of the cure, though? Would it actually cure millions of people, and how would it be distributed to you know, would it be distributed? How would it be distributed? And will anybody try to fuck up that operation, so losing a life to cure the many? Somebody will try to fuck up that operation, and only a certain few will be able. It will be cured, and the infection was so.
Speaker 1:Live on so I guess you can say it goes yeah, yeah, exactly what.
Speaker 3:They only have a certain amount of time to get that cure done. So all reality, will it work?
Speaker 1:we don't know, but in the end I would definitely save ellie a hundred percent you know mean I feel like at this stage of of the last of us we're 20 years in the problems that they face are not because of zombies. The problems they face are because of the, the societies that they've built in this decaying world that has zombies in it. Like getting having a cure for the zombie plague now isn't really going to change very much I don't know, I don't want to face those clickers.
Speaker 2:I'd be cool with a zombie cure in that world.
Speaker 1:You know what the solution to the clickers is is more bullets make more bullets. Fire, yeah, fire, you know. Go out there with some pots and pans with a machine gun nest and just wait for the clickers to show up and then just mow them down. That's the solution to clickers.
Speaker 3:Right, okay.
Speaker 2:I don't know how to shoot a gun so I have no opinion about this.
Speaker 1:Well, you can bang the pots and pans.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I can attract them towards me, that's really an attractive part of this plan. Yeah, I can't wait. Problem solved yeah, just have to click this run right towards you.
Speaker 3:Right, I would love to do an episode about the Last of Us, since Season 2 has been 100% confirmed and halfway done, I believe. Yeah, and we've seen some screenshots from Season 2. I'm like they are following the game, which I absolutely love. Okay, one thing I know you guys touched base with this, but the scene of the episode with I forgot his name the love story.
Speaker 2:I forgot their names. Don't get me started on that. I love it so much.
Speaker 1:Oh, I yeah.
Speaker 3:Bill Frank. Yes, I wish they had that in the game. I wish they did, but they didn't.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:It's a different story between Bill and Frank, but you can tell they had a friendship. I don't know if it was lovers, but they still had a friendship. And in the game, but then show, it's so beautiful how it all started and stuff like that it's just like, oh my gosh, it's, it's. It's probably one of the best love scenes about a couple in years. I agree, I'm not, I'm not much of a romance type of person, but seeing that, I'm like I wish they fucking had that in the game. Yeah, I mean, holy fuck dude.
Speaker 1:Well, how old is the game now?
Speaker 3:The last of all this game? Oh, jesus Christ, yeah, something like that.
Speaker 1:I think the sequel is 10 years old.
Speaker 2:It would have been. I mean, it's a sad thing to say of our society, but even 10 years ago I think that that would have been a bold choice and it was probably. I think that whoever decided to make this creative choice for the show probably realized there's a lot of gay-coded stuff, just like Bert and Ernie in Sesame Street. I mean, come on, Like everybody, those two are a couple.
Speaker 1:Okay, but it's not talked about Frank and Bill Bert and Ernie frank and bill burton ernie, yeah, it's kind of.
Speaker 3:you know, the naming conventions are a little bit similar I didn't thought what do you also got, and also you gotta think about this too ellie is a lesbian. Yeah, in the beginning, the first one in the first game. They do have a um dlc where you see how she, how ellie, became infected and she found out that she was immune. And in one part of this and now there's the goddamn spoilers.
Speaker 3:So, spoilers again for the game. So if you play through as Ellie and you play with her friend and stuff like that, and they go through how their friendship was and stuff like that, even in the show it shows the same thing but a little bit different um, so you see the scene of them kissing and stuff like that and of course, ellie doesn't know if she was straight or or a lesbian, which is fine, but, as I think, like you were saying, leo, as like a bold move to see that, because 10 years ago it was a different story between, like, gay couples and stuff like that. And seeing that scene and that um in the game and stuff like that, I'm like holy shit, you know, is she really a lesbian? That'd be really, you know, and it's just kind of thinking to myself like later on the second game, she is, um, a full-blown lesbian so you just think to yourself interesting, okay, I didn't, I'm having to watch the game.
Speaker 2:I did not watch the game, played the game.
Speaker 3:I didn't know that that is really cool yes, elliot is a full-blown lesbian and a lot of people had a big problem with that holy fuck. Of course they would oh my god, there was so much fucking backlash on that. I'm like who the fuck cares?
Speaker 1:play the fucking game yeah, back plus another thing too 2013, 2014, when our biggest problems in the world is ellie from.
Speaker 2:The last of us is a lesbian and obama's wearing a tan suit so is fallout your favorite tv show for zombies, or is there something else?
Speaker 3:um for zombie wise, for a favorite tv show, um the last of us right now. I haven't seen fallout yet, which I would love to watch I meant to say the last of us.
Speaker 2:I did my word. My noun retrieval thing is the last of us? Your favorite tv show right now, or something else for us, yes, yes, yes, it is another thing too.
Speaker 3:I know, you guys do that um little test thing. I, I'm sorry, I totally forgot what it's called.
Speaker 2:I just there's a few of them. Which one are you thinking of?
Speaker 3:talking about like if there's like a lesbian couple or like a gay couple. Oh, that's the veto test yeah, the via russo test, if you're able to get the last of us. Part two, there is a transgender um character in the game too. Oh awesome.
Speaker 1:You know, I, I, I could see how this is going to probably be a really big thing in season two, so I look forward to seeing that play out, because yeah, we definitely need more trans representation and zombie, we need more trans representation period.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just in need more trans representation period yeah, just in general In TV movies, books, I mean, they're out there. We actually just got news, Brian, that we're going to be interviewing Elm Juniper, who wrote how we End, which has a trans male lead in it, so we're really excited to talk with them about that.
Speaker 1:Cool that's awesome yeah, so I'm actually on that note.
Speaker 2:Since we've got you have to be at work in 20 minutes.
Speaker 3:Um I'm literally in my office right now.
Speaker 2:I can just turn on doordash and on the way I go perfect okay, so of the questions that we have left I think there's three left which one would you want us to ask you the most?
Speaker 3:what's that all I mean? Ask me any questions you want um so I think I'm down for one.
Speaker 2:You know the one, dan, I do. Okay, all right.
Speaker 1:So, since you got to go, brian, I'm going to ask you one more question and hopefully this doesn't make you late for work. No, you're good what is your biggest pet peeve in zombie media.
Speaker 3:Biggest pet peeve in zombie media. Make it more fucking realistic. Yeah, I I. That's one thing I absolutely hate. It's like I'm watching zombie shows and stuff like that is like is that realistic? I don't think so. You get the superhero, dude or chick be like I'm gonna kill all these zombies, big savior of the day yeah, okay, cool.
Speaker 1:I mean I'm flipping around and back, flipping through a horde of zombies as you make those noises yes, exactly.
Speaker 3:I mean, don't get wrong, it's like it's entertainment purposes and stuff like that. You can be super realistic all the time. But look at black summer. Holy motherfucking shit, that show was amazing it was.
Speaker 1:It's like, how do you say it's super?
Speaker 3:realistic, it's super realistic and stuff. I mean you got z nation. I absolutely love that show too. Holy fuck, that shit was funny as fuck. Yeah, is it true. Is like is it realistic?
Speaker 2:it is and it's not yeah, sometimes it was, and then sometimes it was I think it works to be unrealistic if it knows what it is, you know, like if they're self-aware Like the dead don't die was intentionally stupid in so many ways. Yeah. And that made it great and same with Z Nation, like the zombie baby was amazing, because they're not trying to make it realistic and they're not pretending that it is realistic. It's just like ludicrous.
Speaker 1:And then sometimes it would accidentally be really realistic.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah yeah. It was like holy fuck. I love that part of the show and it says about Wisconsin like whatever. It was like if anybody asked where we were in Wisconsin. We were never in Wisconsin.
Speaker 1:Yeah, then they let a giant cheese wheel roll away, and then for the rest of the series it showed up for zombies.
Speaker 3:Yes, I fucking love that. I know they're making fun of Wisconsin and the cheese and stuff, but just seeing that, just like chef kiss Perfect, I absolutely love it.
Speaker 1:Well, thanks for joining us today. How can people find you out there on the internet? How do they find your podcast and social media and things like that?
Speaker 3:Well, you can find me on any podcast out there, like I from Apple podcast, spotify, everywhere else on Zompocalypse, wherever people listen to this, they can find you, yep, yep.
Speaker 1:They can find me on Zompocalypse, wherever people listen to this.
Speaker 3:They can find you, yep, they can find me on Zompocalypse on any type of podcast platform you guys like to listen to.
Speaker 2:Important note to find Zompocalypse, it's Zompocalypse with a B.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it'll be in our description down at the bottom.
Speaker 2:Yeah, zombapocalypse, zombapocalypse, you know what that did get me.
Speaker 1:At first I was like trying to find your podcast. I'm like why can't I find it? And there's a bee in it. Yeah, there's the bee from the zombie, zombie, zombie, apocalypse. The bee is for Brian.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's nice, Is it? Is it? Or that's just a happy accident, brian, happy accident.
Speaker 3:What's your favorite podcast episode? If anyone was going to listen to just one to get started, probably stories from stories from the apocalypse, part one and two. I absolutely love it. I enjoy doing that. I love reading the stories and stuff like that. It's just super fun and super entertaining. Yeah, yes, so without the listeners out there. Thank you so much for listening and stuff for my socials as zompocalypse and the number one very important at the end, that'll also yes, the number one, very important.
Speaker 1:At the end, that'll also be yes, the number one, yeah, thanks. Thanks, brian, for coming on the podcast. It's been a pleasure and I hope that we do this again real soon.
Speaker 3:Yeah, have a great day, I hope so too. Now hurry up, because my door.
Speaker 1:Dash is late.
Speaker 3:Hey, go back party break, but no, it's been super awesome. You guys, hopefully you guys can come on mine. Thank you guys so much for having on having me on and thank you, the listeners, for listening to me ramble adhd time adhd times three, that's this episode I think most people we interview with adhd.
Speaker 2:It's like we've attracted a certain kind of audience, right? Yeah, thanks, thank you, brian. Bye-bye everybody.
Speaker 1:Well, that was a fun episode with brian that was a really fun episode with brian brian's a nice guy he is quality guy.
Speaker 2:Nice dad, likes long walks on the beach and has a great podcast. He likes welding on the beach naked, naked. That's what we learned today and uh, and that's not what his podcast is now and I gotta say we tried to do a groan from the horde, an elevator pitch for z martin brown's zombie book, the non-essentials with brian, but then we learned that brian and anybody actually we record with, currently cannot hear anything.
Speaker 2:That, yeah, uh, is not us talking so that was a fail, so unfortunately we have to do it ourselves yeah, I really wanted brian's take, but we're gonna have a live reaction now and I think brian picked floor 92.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's, let's hit the button for 92 yeah, yeah, I'll get in the elevator, elevator yeah, we don't know why it's 92, but we're going there. Yeah, it's the elevator, not the elevator, elevator.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we don't know why it's 92, but we're going there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's the elevator, not the elevator now, yeah, it's with a B, yeah, b for Brian.
Speaker 2:And Z Martin is in there with us talking about their book the Non-Essentials. Yeah, let's hear it.
Speaker 4:Hello, I'm Z Martin Brown breakout tech whore trilogy, the Nonessentials. Overnight, the once serene coastal town of Bellingham, washington, erupts into a battleground as a deadly pathogen sweeps through the state, claiming thousands of lives and prompting the governor to declare phase zero, a statewide lockdown. Max, madison and his best friend Carter soon realize that things aren't as the media has made them out to be, and their town becomes not only overrun by chaos, gore and government, but by a bloodthirsty funeral home director and a trigger-happy sheriff with an army of zombie deputies. Max better buckle up and hold on tight in his trusty SUV nicknamed the Beast as this adrenaline-fueled ride turns into a bloody uphill battle to save his loved ones, his town and all of Washington from becoming a giant graveyard.
Speaker 4:Readers have described the Non-Essentials as If you're looking for a book you can't put down. This is it. I love the intense, gore-filled twist and if you're into apocalyptic humor like Zombieland, this book is for you. They want more and I'm giving them just that. Non-essentials 2 will be available this winter and Book 3 in the summer of 2025. In the meantime, you can download a digital copy or purchase a paperback edition of Book 1 on Amazon, barnes, noble or at ZacharyMartinBrowncom. This is Zee. Thanks for supporting indie authors and, most importantly, for listening to the Fan-Fuckintastic Zombie Book Club podcast.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh that was so good. Yeah, you know what I am amped for that book, for one that sounds like exactly what I want to read.
Speaker 2:Zombie police officers. Yeah, scary funeral director.
Speaker 1:Army of zombie deputies Whoa.
Speaker 2:And there's a truck involved called the Beast the Beast.
Speaker 1:I want to know all about this beast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was a really great. That was an excellent Bring me to your beast. Bring me to your beast. What I was trying to say is that was an excellent elevator pitch. I feel like they just keep getting better and better and really appreciate you taking the time to put that together and put it on the show. We love hearing stories like yours. Z zach may I call you zach, I don't know or we should just call you z z martin brown. The non-essentials. You heard it, definitely gonna download that. In fact, you can get uh it from their website. Like zach said, zacharymartinbrowncom. Their instagram is zmartinbrown on Instagram. I just said it's on Instagram, so you just heard it twice, yeah, and you can go get it right now on Amazon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm going to run all the way to the Amazon store and put my money down on the desk and tell them to take it.
Speaker 2:I'm just going to open the app. Take my money.
Speaker 1:I'm going to open the app and download it on my kindle app I'm gonna call doordash and tell, tell brian to pick me up a copy, brian needs to deliver z martin brown's book yeah but seriously, that one look sounds really fun.
Speaker 2:I'm very curious about the horde of deputies.
Speaker 1:Yeah it sounds like. It sounds like a, an action-packed thrill ride z.
Speaker 2:That was awesome. If you are also a creator and you want to get a little elevator pitch, it could be for your podcast. It could be for something else that you want to promote that is zombie related. Give us a phone call at 614-699-0006. You can leave a voicemail there or you can email us a voice recording, which is what Z Martin Brown did at zombiebookclubpodcast at gmailcom. Love to receive them. This is another author that I'm like you should also do. Voiceovers like that was good. Not that the others aren't also excellent. I'm just saying there's a certain extra timber in z's voice timber.
Speaker 1:I'm a fan of timber.
Speaker 2:It's going down like timber it's going downtown, baby, um shimmy, shimmy, coco puff. Do you know the song I'm singing? Yes, okay. Well, this is episode 62 and in three more episodes you're going to hear an interview with lindsey king miller for the z word. If you haven't yet, go check out ollie eats brains zombit about this book on their instagram at ollie eats brains yeah, if you want, if you want to get titillated to read this book listen to their or read their zombie or go back to episode 61, I think yeah it's 61 where ollie reads it out loud.
Speaker 2:You can also just go ahead and get it, so you make sure you've read it before we have the conversation. You'll enjoy it even more. But either way, it is a very fun book, highly recommend it.
Speaker 1:It's going to be a great interview. There's also an audio book, which is what I listen to. And it's a fantastic audio book, Very well produced. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review. It helps us spread into people's ear holes and infect them.
Speaker 2:That's how our zombie virus spreads is through ears.
Speaker 1:Yeah I'm imagining like leaky stuff going into different people's ears yeah, it gives you an earache. It's like, oh it hurts, you have to lay on your side and let it drain this is the worst advertisement for our podcast ever.
Speaker 2:We will give you an ear infection, listen more and get a headache yeah, subscribe and get an ear infection yeah, thanks for listening everybody and enjoy your earache.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Follow us on Instagram and threads if you want to come talk to us. Subscribe, rate and review and all of the things. Everything is in the description. It's all down there.
Speaker 2:Including a top secret zombie. Collective discord that Ollie Eats Brains made.
Speaker 1:Yeah, are we sharing that now? Yeah, yeah, it's been secret up to this point. We're doing it. I think some apocalypse shared about it on their podcast, so now we can't, I think so yeah, that was, that was the test bed.
Speaker 2:If some apocalypse can do it, we can do it too. That's right. They're fearless leader. Have a beautiful day, night, evening, sleepy time, whatever, hang time, work time you're doing right, right now?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know what we say. We say bye, Au revoir. The end is nigh, it is Bye, bye.
Speaker 2:Bye, bye, we going downtown baby.